25 February 2015

United States Peace Corps PC Careers - Safety & Security Assistant ~ Ugandan Jobline Jobs

Organisation: United

States Peace Corps (PC)

Duty Station:  Kampala, Uganda

Reports to: Safety &

Security Manager

The Peace Corps is an agency of

the United States Government, which sends American Volunteer development

workers to assist in capacity building and technical assistance activities in

over 70 countries worldwide.  The United

States has enjoyed diplomatic relations with Uganda for over 30 years.  Ambassador Scott H. DeLisi currently heads

the U.S Mission to Uganda.  The Mission

is composed of several offices and organizations all working under the auspices

of the Embassy and at the direction of the Ambassador.

Among the offices operating

under the U.S Mission to Uganda are:

  • United

    States Agency for International Development (USAID)

  • Centers

    for Disease Control

  • Peace


Job Summary: The major

responsibilities of the Safety & Security Assistant (SSA) are ensuring

security-related files are kept up-to-date; maintaining the Whereabouts

reporting system; assisting in the analysis and reporting of security

incidents; preparing reports, training materials and other resource materials

and maintaining up-to-date contact information for local and National Police,

transportation and consolidation points. In addition, the incumbent will also

act as the back-up to the Safety and Security Manager (SSM). When the SSM is

unavailable, the SSA may also be the contact point with the Peace Corps Safety

and Security Officer (PCSSO), Regional Security Advisor (RSA), Embassy security

officials and local law enforcement agencies in carrying out the

responsibilities designated in the position description or as directed by the

Country Director.

Key Duties and Responsibilities: 

1. Technically supports and

Verifies Safety and Security Policy Implementation:

  • In

    coordination with the SSM, provides administrative support and

    verification that adequate systems are functioning to support Volunteer

    Safety and Security in accordance with the Peace Corps Manual as regards

    to: Volunteer/Trainee Safety and Security.

  • Supports

    the SSM and CD to ensure critical Peace Corps Regional Safety and Security

    Officer recommendations are implemented appropriately and deadlines are

    met. Works with the SSM to provide regular updates on implementation

    progress and/or challenges to the Country Director and the Peace Corps

    Regional Safety and Security Officer.

2. Safety and Security


  • Supports

    in the development of training materials for safety and security related

    sessions during events such as Pre-Service Training (PST), In-Service

    Trainings (IST), Close of Service (COS) conferences and Warden Trainings.

  • Co-facilitates

    training sessions with the SSM as directed by the SSM or the Country

    Director. May be required to facilitate training sessions in lieu of the

    SSM if he/she is unavailable.

3. Assists with the support of

Home-stays and Site Identification and Mapping:

  • Assists

    as appropriate in the delivery of safety information to Ugandan home-stay

    families before the arrival of the American Volunteers.

  • Supports

    with Volunteer housing inspections, approvals, secures and enters data on

    GPS coordinates, relevant databases and supports the SSM in mapping

    Volunteer sites and consolidation points.

4. Incident Reporting and


  • Provides

    Volunteer support after crime incidents, such as police follow-up,

    preparation of reports, accompanying Volunteers to their sites etc

  • As

    backup may manage the security and non-medical follow up for Volunteer

    incidents of sexual assault.

  • For

    all incidents – Assists the SSM to ensure that reportable incidents are

    communicated to the Country Director in accordance with policies and

    procedures; assists the SSM in completing incident reports in the

    Consolidated Incident Reporting System (CIRS) per the Consolidated

    Incident Reporting Guidelines.

  • Technically

    supports the SSM by entering information as needed in site history files

5. Emergency Preparedness:

  • Works

    in liaison with the SSM, assists the Country Director and senior staff at

    Post during an emergency situation.

  • Assists

    the SSM in developing and revising policies, training and testing

    Volunteer and office emergency and security plans.

6. Analysis, Reports and Other


  • Supports

    the SSM in maintaining post-crime statistics and analyzing trends

  • Prepares

    reports and resource materials for SSM

  • Organizes

    safety and security resources and helps maintain legible and orderly

    system for collecting, compiling, filing and disseminating pertinent

    safety and security information.

7. Represents the Safety and

Security Program:

  • Actively

    participates in staff meetings (both general staff meetings and senior

    staff meetings at the discretion of the CD), discussions and activities

    and makes recommendations for changes in program policy and procedures as

    they relate to Volunteer safety and security

  • Has

    knowledge of Embassy security staff and local law enforcement resources in

    order to obtain updates and information on emergency/security issues at

    post. Represents the Post at regularly scheduled safety and security

    external meetings as needed.

8. Acts as a Duty Officer: Performs the responsibilities of a duty

officer when scheduled as part of the Post’s duty officer program rotation.

Maintains and updates the duty officer binder as needed.

9. Provides Back-up Coverage

for the SSM:
Stands in as the

Acting SSM when the SSM is out of the office and unavailable (i.e. on annual

leave, sick leave or official travel) or there is a vacancy in the SSM position

10. Temporary Travel: The contactor is subject to worldwide

availability and may be requested by the Peace Corps to be reassigned or

transfered permanently to another Peace Corps Post/Headquarters or perform

temporary duties (TDY) as required and to travel to other assignments within

Peace Corps as assigned. Any such resassignment or transfer shall be subject to

agreement of the Contractor. The Statement of Work as defined will remain the

same; however the duties may be subject to change as determined by the

Contacting Officer.

11. Other Duties as Assigned: Perform other safety and security duties as

assigned by the Country Director

Qualifications, Skills and Experience: The United States Peace Corps Safety & Security Assistant (SSA) SSA

must at a minimum possess the following skills and abilities to effectively

carry out the duties of the position:

  • Hold

    a secondary school diploma (or local equivalent); College degree preferred

  • A

    minimum of three or more years’ experience working with Americans or other

    expatriate development organizations in Uganda

  • Must

    be able to obtain security clearance with the US Embassy

  • Position

    requires person who is a good listener, and is able to withhold judgement

  • Ability

    to develop and maintain effective working relationships with other

    organizations, including local law enforcement, criminal justice,

    emergency management and other NGO / development agencies.

  • Ability

    to analyze crime trends and other risks and propose mitigation strategies

  • Demonstrated

    organizational and communiacation skills

  • Ability

    to speak, read and write in English (Level III) is required

  • Familiarity

    with at least one national language of Uganda in addition to English

  • Ability

    to work with Microsoft Office Suite and other basic Computer knowledge

  • Ability

    to conduct training and give presentations, in both English and a local


  • Past

    experience working in a cross-cultural office setting, preferably with an

    American or European organization

  • Self-starter

    capable of independent work, while also appreciative and skillful in a

    team setting

ALL submissions must be

electronic. (Please do not attach academic credentials to the email)

Please submit a Microsoft Word

formatted letter of interest, resume, names and contacts information for three

references to applications@ug.peacecorps.gov. Please clearly indicate the

position applied for on the subject line of your cover email. Submitted

documents become the property of Peace Corps and will not be returned. You will

be contacted ONLY if you are deem qualified. If called for an interview, you

will be expected to bring copies of your academic credentials. Finalists from

the first interview will be expected to bring a reference letter from their

Local Council (LC1) as part of the final review process.

Deadline: 5th March, 2015


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