Temporary Appointment - HIV/AIDS Specialist P 4 (Adolescent Health and HIV)
Duration : 1 Year
Using the global guidance on the All-In strategy and other global and regional initiatives on Adolescent Health and HIV/AIDS, operationalize and implement the core package of interventions for addressing Health and HIV related determinants among adolescent population. Engage with relevant civil societies and private sector to leverage opportunities and resources towards accelerating reduction of AIDS related drivers and vulnerabilities among the adolescent population
The TA will be accountable for ensuring that all aspects of the Adolescent Health and HIV And AIDS prevention, care and treatment services programming promote equity, gender equality, with an emphasis on gender disaggregation, gender disparity identification and gender mainstreaming to guide policies, programmes monitoring and evaluations.
Expected Results: Timely sectoral analysis, input, support and collaboration to the Adolescent Health and HIV And AIDS prevention, care and treatment services. Situation Analysis, with consistent integration of sex-disaggregated data, and its periodic update made for effective project planning, development and management.
Knowledge management effectively promoted through drafting/finalizing key sectoral programme documents and reports related to Adolescent Health and HIV And AIDS prevention, care and treatment services, sharing good practice, lessons learned, and knowledge/information exchange, especially the sharing of good practices in gender equality programming, including scaling-up to the national level.
Quality of rights-based Adolescent Health and HIV And AIDS prevention, care and treatment services projects /programmes effectively promoted, and coherence, synergy and value added to project management process through results-based management.
Sectoral work plan and activities formulated, implemented and monitored, ensuring alignment with the defined project strategies and approaches and integration with gender mainstreaming across sectors.
Project delivery, evaluation and reporting carried out efficiently, rigorously and transparently in compliance with the established guidelines and procedures.
UNICEF’s global goals effectively promoted through advocacy and policy dialogue in the HIV/AIDS sector with a focus on Adolescent Health and HIV And AIDS prevention, care and treatment services, focusing on the contributions of gender equality in achieving these goals.
Proper and timely UNICEF and Government accountability ensured regarding supply and non-supply assistance as well as disbursement of programme funds for the Adolescent Health and HIV And AIDS prevention, care and treatment services.
Effective communication and networking achieved through partnership and collaboration, sharing UNICEF’s position on gender equality as useful.
An estimated 3.1 million children currently live with HIV at the end of 2014, 88% of them in sub-Saharan Africa. In the same year 2012 only 39% of HIV exposed children received an early infant testing with dried blood spot (DBS) by 2 months of age; among those testing positive, only a minority have been quickly linked into care. Only 34% of the 1.8 million children in need of ART according to 2010 eligibility criteria had access to treatment. The median age of initiation of ART for children living with HIV in many countries is 4.6 years of age. This is far too late since 50% of perinatally infected children die by 2 years of age if not treated. While more children are now accessing ART in Uganda, overall progress on treatment for children lags behind the achievements for pregnant women and general adult population. The 2014 MOH report indicates that 85% of HIV+ pregnant and breastfeeding mothers were on efficacious ARVs through Option B+ as compared to 51,305 children out of 193,500 (27%) of children in need of ART.
Globally, adolescents (10-19 years old) constitute 20% of the population (1.2 billion people) but the stock taking report 2012 reveal that this group is disproportionately affected by adverse effect of the epidemic. While AIDS related deaths have witnessed a significant decline in other age groups, it is only the 10-19 year age group that continues to report 50% increase in AIDS related deaths. There are 1.7 Million adolescents in Sub-Haran Africa living with HIV – 60% of the new infections in this group is reported among girls. Of the approximately 2.1 million adolescents living with HIV globally at the end of 2012, more than 80% of them were in Sub-Saharan Africa. Approximately two thirds of new HIV infections in adolescents aged 15-19 years were among girls. Uganda has 130,000 adolescents living with HIV, representing 6% of the global burden and along with Nigeria and South Africa account for nearly half of the new infections in sub-Saharan Africa
In 2014, global efforts to end AIDS epidemic among Adolescents catalyzed a number of initiatives to drive an accelerated response. Led by UNICEF and UNAIDS, the All-In strategy was conceived as a platform while PEPFAR, the Bill and Mellinda Gates Foundation and NIKE developed the DREAMS initiative for multi-sectoral interventions support actions for addressing the HIV/AIDS burden among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition, Uganda as a country including the UN and other development partners has recognized the need to implement targeted health (including HIV) interventions for young people as highlighted in key Government strategic documents. Uganda is a lead country in both the All-In and DREAMS initiatives, both efforts being coordinated to optimize the programmatic and funding opportunities now available for adolescent and HIV programming support.
Purpose of Assignment and Scope of work:Specific issues to be addressed, including expected boundaries of the assignment.
This technical assistance is required to coordinate and facilitate the planning, harmonization, implementation and effective monitoring and reporting of the country processes that optimize the All-In strategy and other programming windows for a comprehensive Adolescent Health and HIV programme. The approach will utilize existing programming platforms within UNICEF structures as well as support UN-wide engagement and support for Adolescent Heath and HIV interventions in the country.
Deliverable:Specific service / outputs to be delivered at a specific time as per stated objectives and performance / quality requirements Inception report on planned activities available
Country assessment conducted to prioritize interventions and high burden districts
In collaboration with MOH, develop country level implementation plan for selected technically appropriate interventions for ALHIV at national and sub-national levels
Facilitate national stakeholder consultative meetings for ALHIV workplans
Fund raising proposals developed for ALHIV within UNICEF and Joint UN platforms
Quality donor reports and other periodic reports are timely available
Monthly reports of activities submitted
The technical assistance will involve planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluation of Adolescent Health and HIV And AIDS prevention, care and treatment including daily engagement with Government partners as well as development partners, civil societies, the academia and private sector. The engagement will include representing UNICEF and/or the JUPSA in planning and consultative meetings, drafting and validating reports, training of care providers and service managers, field monitoring and supervision and program assessments
The TA will be expected to report to the HIV/AIDS Specialist P4 on his/her deliverables. Office wide coordination guidance on Adolescent Cluster will be provided by the Deputy Representative.
The TA will provide periodic progress reports as contained in the deliverable timeline in the TOR
Qualification Requirements:This section specifies the professional requirements of the individual(s) and/or team(s) for the assignment including required experience, skills and qualifications.
· Advanced university degree in one or more of the disciplines: Public Health, Public Health Administration, Primary Health Care, Pediatrics AIDS, Health Education, Medicine, Social Sciences or a field relevant to international development assistance in HIV/AIDS
· At least eight years progressive professional experience at national and international level in managing and implementing programmes in the field of HIV/AIDS work, with emphasis on strategic planning and implementation of comprehensive and integrated HIV prevention and mitigation strategies among adolescents and young people. Excellent understanding of the Adolescent Health in context of HIV/AIDS epidemic.
· Experience in monitoring gender disparities and in programme interventions that reduce these disparities an asset
- Knowledge of Global Fund proposal development, funding requests and grant implementation
- Experience of working with or an understanding of the needs of most at risk/key affected populations an asset
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