17 May 2015

Base Logistician – Malakal | - 2015


You can find all the information about the Solidarités International (SI) South Sudan’s mission here:


SI is operating in South Sudan since 2006, and it developed activities in emergency and post emergency context, particularly in rural and semi-urban areas. Its expertise in running emergency WaSH intervention is highly acknowledged by all WaSH actors and donors.

SI’s South Sudan mission grew very quickly in 2012 and the trend continued in 2013 as a consequence of the emergency interventions launched in response to Sudanese refugees influxes into South Sudan in April and May 2012. 2013 has been an extremely challenging year due to the workload in the 3 bases working on refugees assistance programs, including the opening of a new base where SI was the first NGO settling there. The political and security events that occurred in Juba on Dec 15th, 2013 and what can now be considered as a civil war that started have dramatically changed the situation and downsized the mission. A good summary of the situation is this article:


The mission budget for 2015 is forecasted to be around 6 M€, with 2 operational bases: Malakal (Upper Nile State) and Juba (Central Equatoria State) + the coordination team in capital. The team consists of around 23 expats and 120 national staff.


The base Logistician will implement and supervise all logistics operations at his/her assigned base.
He/she will organize logistics support for programs, in keeping with Solidarités International procedures.
He/she will assist or the field coordinator in the implementation of safety rules.
He/she will be directly in charge to supervise and manage all the logistics team at base level.

Objectives of the position:

Ensure logistics tasks are carried out in a manner that all SI and donor’s procedures are respected.
Be the main focal point of all logistics related matters between Base and coordination.
Make sure all supplies/services to the programs are delivered on time as per requested delivery.
Ensure logistics/program stocks are monitored, recorded and followed up systematically and are in accordance to the rules and regulation of Solidarities International.
Manage at team of 5 national staff, supervise their performance and follow all the HR issue related to his/her team
Ensure a high level of involvement in SI projects activates and support/coordinate with the operational team in order to reach their objectives smoothly.
Organizing logistics support to the Field Coordinator to implement the security procedures and act as a security back up for the team while the Field coo is not able to do so.
This position requires strong field experience and autonomy. He/she will need to manage logistical activates in compound environment, where market for services and supplies are limited.



Bachelor’s degree or higher in logistics
At least one years of management experience in logistics(required)Experience in training; ability to design and implement training
Strong working knowledge of procurement and purchase procedures and experience in applying them
Experience on team management
Field experience (conflict/ post conflict area) of implementing emergency humanitarian programs mainly focused in water and sanitation.
Experience on watsan projects is a plus


Handy and creative in logistics issues (examples warehouse management, space for accommodation and office, communicate and socialize with other actors in the field)
Knowledge of vehicle management and maintenance.
Good skills in staff management
Technical support for the staff (examples purchase process, mechanical problems, VHF and HF configuration, IT issues)
Knowledge of emergency humanitarian strategies
Report writing skills


Fluent English, written and spoken
Knowledge of Arabic is an asset


Salaried post: According to experience from 1600 euros gross per month, plus 10% annual leave allowance paid monthly, and a monthly Per Diem of 700 USD. Solidarités International will cover accommodation and travel expenses from the expatriate’s home country to the site of the assignment. – Social and medical cover: Expatriates benefit from an insurance package which reimburses all healthcare expenses (including medical and surgical expenses, dental care and ophthalmological expenses, repatriation) and a welfare system including war risks. Essential vaccination and antimalarial treatment costs are refunded. – Vacation: During the assignment, a system of alternation between work and time off is implemented at the rate of one break every three months. For a one-year assignment, the expatriate will have a 7-day break during the 3rd and the 9th month (with 500 euros allocated by Solidarités). He or she will also be entitled to go back to his or her home country for a 14-day period after six months spent on the mission (Solidarités will cover travel costs).

Living conditions : may be basic, including under tents (in secured compounds).

CONTACT: Corinne LORIN, Recruitment & Follow Up Officer


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