17 May 2015

Cold Chain Logisctics Supervisor | - 2015


Since December 2013 Upper Nile State has been affected by armed violence and fighting between government forces and an anti-government insurgence.

As a consequence of violence up to a million people have been displaced. MSF OCBA has an intervention in 2 locations of the State: Mellut County, currently including some IDPs in Manyo County and Malakal PoC and Wau Shiluk

In 2014, there was a cholera vaccination in the PoC and a response to a cholera outbreak in Wau Shiluk by MSF OCBA.

MSF OCBA has been approached by WHO to lead an OCV vaccination campaign to prevent a new cholera outbreak in Wau Shiluk and Mellut, with exception of the PoC that will be managed by another organization.


Supervise the daily vaccination campaign cold chain activities and provide maintenance to the MSF equipment, facilities and infrastructures, according to MSF protocols in order to maintain the facilities in perfect conditions and collaborate in the development of the mission


§ Estimation of cold chain equipment needed

The logistician will choose the cold chain equipment with the Logistics Team Leader (LTL), taking account of:

Type of energy available;
Volume of vaccines to be stored;
Volume of ice required;
Number of sites to be supplied;
Distance between the vaccine store and the camp where the vaccination campaign will take place;
Distance between vaccination sites
Type of cold chain equipment available locally (stock).

§ Installation, use and maintenance of cold chain equipment

The logistician will ensure that the cold chain equipment (refrigerators and freezers) is properly installed, respecting security norms both for the proper functioning of the equipment (maintaining low temperature, avoiding breakdowns) and for the safety of users (fire risk,…).

The logistician will ensure that the cold chain equipment is used correctly:

By allowing access only to properly trained and authorised persons;
By training persons likely to have access to the equipment;
By installing a security system to restrict access (keys) and/or to highlight rules to be followed (notices on refrigerators and freezers).

The logistician will ensure that the cold chain equipment is properly maintained:

Each item of equipment (refrigerator, freezer, cold box, vaccine carrier) will have a reliable thermometer so that its temperature can be checked;
The temperature of equipment in use will be checked twice daily (morning and evening);
The equipment will be maintained correctly following the specific instructions for each model.

§ Starting up the cold chain

The logistician will ensure that the cold chain is started up as quickly as possible, so that :

Vaccine deliveries can be handled safely;
Enough ice can be produced for the vaccination campaign.


§ Estimation of the daily logistic equipment needed, in cooperation with the supervisor.

Needs will be estimated taking account of:

The number of people to be vaccinated;
The number of vaccination teams;
The number of sites.

§ Daily preparation of supplies for each team.

§ Every evening the logistician will prepare for each team the supplies required for the following day. Every morning team leaders will, in the logistician’s presence, check the supplies allocated to their teams and acknowledge receipt by signing the delivery slip.

§ Checking in each team’s supplies every evening

§ Every evening the logistician will check in each team’s unused supplies in the presence of the team leader and acknowledge receipt by signing the delivery slip.

These supplies will be kept in a temporary store, particular care being taken with supplies needing to be kept in the cold chain:

Unused vaccine to be kept in the left-hand side of the refrigerator so that they will be used first;
Icepacks which have become hot must be allowed to cool down before being put back in the freezer.

§ Supplying the teams during their work at the vaccination sites

§ The logistician will do rounds of the vaccination sites with reserve supplies so that teams do not run out.


Education· Essential secondary education and formal technical training Experience · Essential working experience of at least two years in cold chain management and supervision

· Essential experience in various vaccination campaigns

· Desirable working experience in MSF or other NGO’s in developing countries. Languages · English Knowledge · Computer literacy Competences · People Management.

· Commitment.

· Flexibility.

· Results.

· Teamwork


· Temporary post based in South Sudan

Full-time job

· International contract (salary based on the MSF International Remuneration Policy, IRP2) + per diem, lodging, transportation and insurances

· Starting date: June 15th 2015

· End of contract: August 15th 2015


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