17 May 2015

Logistics Vaccination Supervisor | - 2015


Since December 2013 Upper Nile State has been affected by armed violence and fighting between government forces and an anti-government insurgence.

As a consequence of violence up to a million people have been displaced. MSF OCBA has an intervention in 2 locations of the State: Mellut County, currently including some IDPs in Manyo County and Malakal PoC and Wau Shiluk

In 2014, there was a cholera vaccination in the PoC and a response to a cholera outbreak in Wau Shiluk by MSF OCBA.

MSF OCBA has been approached by WHO to lead an OCV vaccination campaign to prevent a new cholera outbreak in Wau Shiluk and Mellut, with exception of the PoC that will be managed by another organization.


Supervise the daily logistics vaccination campaign activities and provide maintenance to the MSF equipment, facilities and infrastructures, according to MSF protocols in order to maintain the facilities in perfect conditions and collaborate in the development of the mission


Installation of the vaccination sites

§ Identification and selection of the vaccination sites

The logistician will select the sites in collaboration with the vaccination campaign supervisor and the representatives of the refugees or displaced persons.

The number of sites chosen will depend on:

The number of people to be vaccinated;
The extent to which people are spread out across the camp;
The number of teams available.

§ Planning the layout of the vaccination sites

The logistician will plan the layout of each site, and will in particular:

Prepare circuits through the site to be followed by people waiting to be vaccinated, taking account of the various station (triage, vaccination card, vitamin A, vaccination…);
Have sites of sufficient size to allow staff to be at ease and the flow of people to move easily round the circuits;
Have shaded areas for people waiting to be vaccinated (if necessary construct a shaded area with shadow net);
Have a cool shaded area to keep the cold box and/or vaccine carrier.

Preparation and organization of the work at vaccination sites

§ Organization and planning of the campaign

The logistician will organize and plan the vaccination campaign, in collaboration with the supervisor and the emergency or medical coordinator, taking particular account of :

The number of people to be vaccinated;
The number of teams available;
The layout of the camp (people grouped together or spread out, …);
The logistic means (cold chain, transport)

Waste Management

§ Collecting waste and waste management

Waste will be collected every evening and processed as quickly as possible. If waste cannot be processed immediately it must be stored in a secure place (no access, protected from being dispersed by rain or wind).

Supervision of vaccination teams

§ Check that the sites are properly organized

No hold-ups in the lines of people waiting to be vaccinated;
Shaded areas for people waiting to be vaccinated;
Supplies correctly set out.

§ Keeping teams supplied

Check that the teams have sufficient supplies for the day’s work; bring fresh supplies if required.

§ Check the cold chain

Check the temperature of vaccine in the cold boxes and on the work tables; change the icepacks if necessary.

§ Check that the vaccines (including reconstituted vaccines) are kept out of the light.

§ Check that waste is handled correctly :

Waste correctly sorted (auto-disable syringes and 19G needles in needle containers, Empty vaccine vials and unused vials of reconstituted vaccine in a bin bag or box, other waste in a separate bin bag);
Storage of waste in an isolated place with no general access;
Utilization of leather gloves when handling waste.

§ Check at the end of each day :

That the sites have been cleaned;
That all the waste has been collected;
That supplies have been tidily arranged and inventoried.

§ Note any difficulties encountered and take corrective action.

Final evaluation of the campaign

§ The logistician will participate in drafting the vaccination campaign report, especially the part describing how it progressed (organization, resources and staffing used, difficulties encountered).

§ Reconditioning of equipment; inventory

§ At the end of the vaccination campaign the logistician will :

Recondition equipment which can be reused, ensuring that cold boxes and vaccine carriers are maintained before being stored;
Make an inventory of supplies used during the campaign and of supplies left over at its end.


Education· Essential secondary education and formal technical training Experience · Essential working experience of at least two years in supervision of logistics activities

· Essential experience in various vaccination campaigns

· Desirable working experience in MSF or other NGO’s in developing countries. Languages · English Knowledge · Computer literacy Competences · People Management.

· Commitment.

· Flexibility.

· Results.

· Teamwork


· Temporary post based in South Sudan

Full-time job

· International contract (salary based on the MSF International Remuneration Policy, IRP2) + per diem, lodging, transportation and insurances

· Starting date: June 15th 2015

· End of contract: August 15th 2015


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