05 May 2012

Chief Executive Officer

The objectives of the company among others is to improve the life of teh community within 25 km radius of Kakira Sugar Limited (KSL) by developing  and promoting infrastructural facilities in the field of Education, health and roads. KORD has also been instrumental in creating the enviromental for sugarcane farmers to access cheap loans for banks.

KORD is funded by contributions from BSGA  farmers and KSL based on the tons of canes delivered to the factory. Donor support in making KORD the implementing agency for their various projects si ssignificant and growing.

Since its incorporation in 2005 KORD has made impressive progress and has established a petrol station for its farmers to get cheap fuel on credit, enable farmers to access loans on concessionary terms, built schools, clasrooms and laboratories in the catchment area and performed the role of the implementing agency for various projects funded by donors and other agencies.

KORD is now looking to recruit a Ugandan National for the post of Chief Executive Officer.

Duties and responsibilities

Reporting to the KORD's Board the CEO will have overall responsibility for th einitiative and developing a strategy that sets out the organisation's approach to meet Outgrowers and community needs;Providing day-to-day operational leadership for the organisation, including managing 2 - 4 professionals, raising finance from donors and government and to oversee project implementation.

View the original article here


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