The Agribusiness Initiative component (aBi) is one of the three components of the U Growth programme aimed at supporting the private sector in achieving the objectives of the government of Uganda’s Competitive and Investment Climate Strategy (CICS). The component is managed by the Agricultural Business Initiative Trust (aBi Trust).
The aBi is an institution set up by the governments of Uganda and Denmark to support agribusiness initiatives in the country. In particular it is to support the private sector to increase their contribution to the agricultural sector by increasing land and labour productivity hence contribute to poverty reduction through economic growth, wealth, and employment creation.
The vision of aBi trust is of “competitive private sector led agriculture in Uganda” with the mission to “promote private sector driven agribusiness development to enhance wealth creation in the country”.
The aBi achieves its mission and vision through interrelated sub-components.
The selection of the sub-components has been made by identication of some major constraints to agribusiness development.
The subcomponents are:
1. Value Chain Development leading to improved performance of value chain actors.
2. Financial Services development leading to expansion of financial services by supporting agribusiness in order to increased availability and use of financial services.
3. Trade-related Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) and Quality Management Systems (QMS) leading to increased trade opportunities.
4. Gender for Growth leading to gender equality integration and mainstreaming in all aBi activities.
aBi Trust will achieve its objectives in a holistic way using the value chain approach but integrating its interventions with value chain actors to include access to appropriate
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