15 May 2012

Treasury Sales Manager ( FULL TIME )

About this Job:

Reports: Chief Manager Treasury

Role: To Manage Treasury Client Portfolio with the objective of securing and increasing the Bank’s share in the market as per the Bank’s treasury management policies.

Key Result Areas:

I) Plan and implement an effective relationship management system for treasury customers in line with the Banks customer service strategy.

2) Market and sell Bank’ treasury products to potential and existing customers and generate daily sales performance reports as per set tar­gets and regulatory framework.

3)    Collect and compile data from the market place for effective market intelligence with a view to understand competition vis a vis cost/ revenue Drivers

4)    Conduct field visits/ meetings to understand their business needs with an intention to build a loyal customer base.

5)    Review and recommend policy, procedure and process changes required to meet treas­ury customer expectations and needs as per the Bank policy

6)    Develop and maintain a data base for potential treasury customers products and liaise with the supervisor to initiate appropriate follow ups to bring such customers on board in line with the Bank policy

7)    Design a system for capturing market condi­tions and sensitize bank staff on • the best practice relating to treasury products and money markets in line with Bank policy.

How to apply:

Interested persons should visit our website for more details. Persons who fully meet the required specifi­cations are invited to apply;

a.    Downloading an application form for employ­ment from http://www.centenarybank.co.ug/

b.    Fill it and enclose an application letter, Cur­riculum Vitae (CV), three referee and applicable Academic Documents.

c.    Submit the application not later than one week from the date of the advertisement to:

The General Manager, Human Resources Centenary Rural Development Bank Plot 16, Namirembe Road P. O. Box 1892. KAMPALA

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


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