27 April 2013

Jobs at UNAIDS in Uganda - National Program Officer

Job Title: National Program Officer
UNAIDS  is the  Joint United  Nations Program on HIV and  AIDS , that brings together the  efforts  and resources of  UN Agencies .
•    Identify multilateral  grant  opportunities  and  bilateral aid available  at national/regional level  to harmonize  resources for civil society communities and other non-governmental institutions .
•    Provide support  to   national strategic  alliances /partinerships to ensure UNAIDS provides  technical support  to civil society  and communities  in  tracking and  monitoring  of budgets and resources made available to  different  stakeholder groups in the  governmental and non-governmental  sectors and in the  monitoring  of government  accountability for  attainment of the  Political Declaration targets and  communities .
•    Essential : First University  degree in social sciences , health , or  related field.
•    At least  3 to 6  years experience in Civil  society /community mobilization collaboration and  partinerships development .
•    Considerable experience  in the  country where the  post is located   in the field  of HIV, fostering partinerships with  a range of sectors  , broad experience in working with  and  mobilizing  a range of sectors , broad experience in  working with  and  mobilizing  a range of external partiners .
•    Desirable : Experience  in the  UN system, regional  and/or international experience in the  field of HIV ;  experience of living with  HIV.

How to apply
Interested  persons   are requested to send  detailed  curriculum  vitae, naming  three  referees and attach photocopies of relevant documents to the  address below ;
The  UNAIDS  Country  Coordinator , Joint Nations
Program on  HIV/AIDS , P. O. Box  24578, Plot 60 Prince Charles Drive  , Kololo , Kampala

Deadline:  24 /05 /2013


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