Accountant/Financial Analyst(s) ( FULL TIME )

e.g.: "Sale Manager", "Web Designer", etc.
e.g.: "Gulu", "Ntinda", "Kisoro, Uganda", etc.
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( Umeme Limited, Uganda)
TweetUmeme Limited Is a major investment of Actis’ Infrastructure 2 fund. Actis is a leading investor in the emerging markets, investing exclusively in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Presently Actis manages over US$4.8bn worth of investment on behalf of more than 100 institutional investors. The Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC) of the United Kingdom, a UK Government-owned company, is the largest investor in Actis’ infrastructure 2 fund and as such has a relationship with Umeme Ltd indirectly through Actis.
As a responsible employer Umeme is committed to providing competitive employment terms to its employees, in addition to providing safe and reliable electricity, improving customer service, minimising energy losses and operating in a cost effective manner. To help in achieving these goals Umeme is looking to recruit individuals with high integrity, dedication and commitment to fill the positions described below
Accountant/Financial Analyst(s)
Role(s) designed to provide additional analytical and operational resource in the business in the areas of financial and operating procedures, controls, analysis and reporting, Appointee(s) will report to senior managers in the Finance and operating departments. Appointee(s) should have already demonstrated capability to self motivate and to have achieved measurable successes in previous appointments. To successful candidates, these roles offer a strong opportunity for personal and professional career development with excellent prospects for progression and promotion within the organization. Candidates should be trained and qualified in a professional accountancy practice and have the capability and confidence to make an impact in a busy work environment.
Key Responsibilities
• Support the finance strategy throughout the business.
• Carry out specific assignments as directed, which will include responsibility for operational processes, analysis of financial and business data in all departments and functions, cost reporting, inventory control, capital expenditure control, budget preparation and treasury management.
• Identify scope to improve business efficiency.
• Implement and manage change within existing operational environments.
• Perform operational functions throughout the business as assigned
• Supervise staff to achieve business objectives
We are seeking professionals with integrity, who can be effective in a busy work place and are outcome and solution focused.
To apply Please send your CV and cover letter with 3 work related referees to the address or e-mail below. Please mark your application: “Umeme – Position Name” where you replace position name with the job you are applying for. E-mails must not exceed 2 MB.
Closing date is 5 PM on the 18th of May 2012
While we thank all applicants for your interest, only those selected for interviews will be contacted. Any form of lobbying will lead to automatic disqualification.
People Performance Group Plot 8 Kitante Close, Kitante P.O. Box 12405, Kampala – Uganda E-mail: Web:
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