09 November 2011

Advisers for Democratic Governance Facility

In order to support Ugandan efforts in strengthening democratic governance in Uganda a number of development partners have developed a joint Democratic Governance Facility (DGF) to manage a coherent, harmonized and coordinated multi-donor support to the area.

The DGF will support work aimed at strengthening democratisation, protection of human rights, access to justice, peaceful co-existence and improved service delivery through better accountability mechanisms.
The DGF is organised through three components:

1. Deepening Democracy Programme Component
2. Rights, Justice and Peace Component
3. Voice and Accountability Component.

The DGF will be supported by a team of five international Advisers; A Head of Programme, A Finance and Administration Adviser, and three Component Managers, one for each of the of the three programme components. The Advisers will act as a management team within the DGF.

The Head of Programme will act as the Chief Executive Officer of the DGF with responsibility for the overall management of DGF and implementation of the components, including finances and budgets. The tasks of the Head of Programme will include ensuring the overall planning, implementation and reporting in relation to the programme. The Head of Programme will also act as secretary of the DGF steering committee.

The Finance and Administration Adviser will manage the Accounts Department and Administration Department of the DGF and provide leadership and guidance to the staff in these departments. The Finance and Administration Adviser will work across the three components and also support the national partner institutions in taking the financial responsibilities. The Finance and Administrations Adviser will also be responsible for tasks such as budgeting, procurement, tendering and financial reporting. The Finance and Administration Adviser reports to the Head of Programme.

The three Component Managers will have the day-to-day operational responsibility for the respective components and will supervise and provide leadership for the component staff. The Component Managers will provide strategic advice in relation to the direction, design and implementation of the component, ensure monitoring, liaise and coordinate the component activities with stakeholders. The Component Managers report to the Head of Programme.

All the Advisers will be based in the DGF in Kampala.

If you are interested please find job profile for each of the positions and application form (must be used) on: www.danidajob.dk. The following development partners are engaged in preparations of the DGF: Austrian Development Agency, Embassy of Ireland, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, UK Department for International Development (DfID), Danish Embassy, Embassy of Sweden, Royal Norwegian Embassy.

View the original article here


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