environment and disaster isk reduction advisor ( FULL TIME )

e.g.: "Sale Manager", "Web Designer", etc.
e.g.: "Gulu", "Ntinda", "Kisoro, Uganda", etc.
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( GOAL, Uganda)
TweetGOAL is currently recruiting for an Environment & Disaster Risk Reduction Advisor based in Kampala. The incumbent must be an experienced and qualified Ugandan National to facilitate the mainstreaming of environmental issues and Disaster Risk ,Reduction (DRR) in all GOAL Uganda program offices
Requirement:Essential Requirements:• Minimum of Bachelors degree in Environmental Science; social sciences; development studies or relevant other field;• Minimum of 3 years experience of leading environmental audits and assessments of projects addressing Water and Sanitation, small scale construction, sustainable livelihoods interventionsor similar;• Knowledge of the Uganda Environment legislation and ability to work effectively with environmental legal frameworks;• Excellent report writing skills in English language;• Significant Experience of proposal writing for international donors with specific focus on Environment and DRR.Desirable:• Experience in environmental assessment and audit of projects in an international context;• Experience in Watershed Management• Post graduate qualification in Environmental Science; social sciences; development studies or Disaster Risk Management discipline. How to apply: Applicants who meet the requirements should submit their applications which must include at least 4 reference contacts (2 professional, 2 character references, including current or most recent employer), daytime contact number and salary history by 11th May 2012. DETAILS OF THE JOB DESCRIPTION CAN BE OBTAINED ON REQUEST THROUGH THE EMAIL ADDRESSS BELOW.Only Short listed applicants will be contacted. Applications should be hand delivered to send to;
The Human Resource and Administration Coordinator, GOAL Uganda, P.O. Box 33140, Kampala, Lubbobbo Close, Muyenga, or email: AdminKampala@ug.goal.ie PLEASE DO NOT ATTACH CERTIFICATES ON EMAIL AND REMEMBER TO INDICATE THE POSITION APPLIED FOR IN THE SUBJECT. Apply Online Your Name:(*) Subject:(*) Email:(*) Choose Resume : Choose Covering Letter: Your Message:(*) Security Code :
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