Internal Auditor ( FULL TIME )

e.g.: "Sale Manager", "Web Designer", etc.
e.g.: "Gulu", "Ntinda", "Kisoro, Uganda", etc.
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( Presidential Initiative on Banana Industrial Development (P.I.B.I.D.) , Uganda)
TweetThe Presidential Initiative on Banana Industrial Development (P.I.B.I.D.) was borne as a Project in 2003 and was approved for funding by the Uganda Government in January, 2005. Vision Statement: A state of -art-banana processing enterprises in Uganda producing value added matooke products with competitive market strength both locally and globally, manned by rural farmers/entrepreneurs.
Mission statement: To harness University capacity for training entrepreneurs, conducting client -oriented research, steering of the banana industrialization process by fueling community-based primary value addition industries as well as entrepreneur- based secondary value-addition. The incubation centers will offer rural farmer services, outreach and R&D opportunities in five critical areas: sustainable plantation management, business and product process development, product quality assurance and safety, process/product technology transfer and product commercialization. The technology park will extend services to seed entrepreneurs namely access to business, technology and quality assurance infrastructure
PIBID wishes to recruit qualified Ugandans for the positions outlined below:
Internal Auditor
Requirement:Qualifications:The candidate should be a holder of a first degree, majoring in Accounts. Professional Courses like ACCA are an added advantage.Knowledge experience.a. Familiarity with Uganda government Accounting procedures and policies.b. Knowledge of basic accounting packages.c. Basic computer knowledge especially spread sheets.Remuneration.Very attractive. How to apply:Application procedures: Interested applicants to submit applications in both hard and electronic copies addressed to : The Director, Presidential Initiative on Banana Industrial Development PIBID) P.O.Box 35747. Kampala. Plot No.26A,Lumumba Avenue, Kampala. or Email Details about the positions can be found on the Project website:, Closing date: 30th March, 2012
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