Financial Accountant ( FULL TIME )

e.g.: "Sale Manager", "Web Designer", etc.
e.g.: "Gulu", "Ntinda", "Kisoro, Uganda", etc.
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( NTV Uganda, Uganda)
TweetJob Role:
Reporting to the Finance & Administration Manager, your role will be to ensure and improve the cash flow of the company through effective credit management. You will also ensure that all revenues are appropriately disclosed and that work is guided through the application of GAAPS and IFRS.
Key Responsibilities:
Enforcing/Implementing the company’s credit policy.Maintaining up to date correspondence files of all key accounts.Working closely with the Advertising Sales Manager and Sales Executives to ensure that there is completeness and accuracy in capturing of revenues.Timely Preparation of various credit control reports including but not limited to a continuous review of existing credit customers.Ensuring that all cash received is banked intact.Daily reconciliation of the debtors control account and the sales ledger to ensure that any reconciling items are resolved on a daily basis.Responsible for debt collection and monitoring the activities of sales agents as regards target set.Maintaining the accurate sales commission schedule and reconciliation of the same to the sales ledger on a weekly/monthly basis.Reconciling the monthly revenue with traffic control personnel to ensure accuracy and appropriate disclosure.Timely posting of accountabilities, deposit slips and payment vouchers to facilitate timely generation of management accountsReviewing sub-ledgers to check mis-postings and recommending corrective actionsRequirement:University degree majoring in Finance/AccountsACCA-Level 3 or CPA3 years working experience How to apply:If you meet the above requirements and are interested, submit your CV and copies of your academic and relevant support documents to the;
Human Resources Manager (Africa Broadcasting (U) Limited), P.O.Box 35933 by July 6th 2012.Applications can be hand-delivered to the Reception of NTV Uganda (Kampala Serena Conference Center). Only short listed applicants will be contacted Apply Online Your Name:(*) Subject:(*) Email:(*) Choose Resume : Choose Covering Letter: Your Message:(*) Security Code :
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