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Tweet•Mengo Hospital, a 300 beds, faith based, NGO, Hearth Cars complex, invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the job opportunities at the Hospital here below.
Job purpose, sumary:
(a) To head the Customer Care and Public Relations Unit of the Hospital
(b) To project and promote an attractive corporate image of the Hospital
(c) To provide customer care services to Hospital Clients
(d) To establish and maintain a Hospital-wide system and culture of good customer care and good public relations
(e) To establish and maintain a pro-active and preventive system, that will detect, receive, investigate and promptly respond to Customer/Public complaints, as well as monitor Customer/Public
Satisfaction and dissatisfaction
Requirement:Minimum qualifications, experience:(a) University Degree in Marketing. Mss Communication or PublicRelations from a recognized institution, plus a qualification or handson training in Customer Care.(b} At least 5 years' relevant working experience and exposure in , marketing, public relations or customer service in a Customer service oriented organization especially in a health care setting.(c) Should have good communication and Public Relations skills(d) Age: A well balanced and mature person of at least 30 years and above. How to apply:Application procedure:
Interested persons should submit their applications attached with a
CV: copies of academic training certificates. Indicating current
Salary three Referees 3 reliable telephone contacts
addressed to:
Human Resource Manager
Mengo Hospital,
P.O. Box 716), KAMPALA, Closing date: 23rd April 2012
For further details, visit our website Tel: 0414 • 270222/3;
Apply Online Your Name:(*) Subject:(*) Email:(*) Choose Resume : Choose Covering Letter: Your Message:(*) Security Code :
Your Name: (*) Your Friend's Email: (*) Subject: (*) Your message: (*)
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