Senior Programme Advisor – Agriculture and Rural Development ( FULL TIME )

e.g.: "Sale Manager", "Web Designer", etc.
e.g.: "Gulu", "Ntinda", "Kisoro, Uganda", etc.
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( Uganda)
TweetOur client, the Embassy of Den mark/Danida, is seeking to recruit a competent Ugandan to fill the following job position.
Job Title: Senior Programme Advisor – Agriculture and Rural Development.
Job Purpose:
To contribute to the development of Uganda’s agriculture sector within the national policy framework and to manage Danida’s support to the public agricultural sector and the Northern Uganda agricultural livelihood programmes.
Key Responsibilities:
• To manage the public sector agriculture component of the U-Growth programme.
• To maintain an active and dynamic policy dialogue with
Government and other stakeholders, including proactive
participation in the Agriculture Development Partners
Group and the Food Security Group in the area of public
sector agriculture..
• To coordinate Danida activities in order to ensure harmonization, alignment and identification of areas where Danida can contribute to the development of the agriculture sector by working closely with other development partners.
• To carry out analytical work in relation to the agricultural sector in Uganda and prepare strategic input to ensure efficient and effective support to the sector.
• To ensure that all relevant cross cutting activities (gender, environment, occupational health and safety, good governance and HIV/AIDS, climate change) are integrated in the implementation process of the sector programmes.
• To manage the two agricultural livelihood programmes in Northern Uganda and dialogue with project managers and-key implementing partners at various levels.
« To document and communicate results of the agriculture programmes.
• To contribute to the public diplomacy efforts of the Embassy.
• To serve as focal point for Danish Research activities.
« Application forms can be down loaded from the aikan” website: or picked up from the aikan offices.
• The completed application form must be submitted together with typed copies of the applicant’s CV with 3 references, cover letter, and photocopies of academic credentials.
• Please hand-deliver the application to the aikan offices or email them as attachments to
• Closing date for submission is 4:30pm on Thursday 24?1 May, 2012
• Only short listed candidates shall be contacted.
aikan Human Resource Consultants
2 Bandali Close, Bugolobi. Kagga House Annex, 1? Floor
Tel: 0414 505318; 0312 264664
Your Name: (*) Your Friend's Email: (*) Subject: (*) Your message: (*)
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