Laboratory assistant ( FULL TIME )

e.g.: "Sale Manager", "Web Designer", etc.
e.g.: "Gulu", "Ntinda", "Kisoro, Uganda", etc.
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TweetDuties and responsibilities:
•Examine all specimen from patients as per requests from clinicians or from nurses working on their behalf.
•Participate whenever necessary in the collection of these specimens and in provision of any associated technical advice.
•To be available during nights and weekends
•Keep strict CONFIDENTIALITY for all results obtained from patients.
Terms and conditions:
The salary is very attractive, and a lot more of other benefits like scholarship fund.
Applications and genuine supporting documents including curriculum vitae (CV), copies of academic qualifications and two referees with their details should either be addressed to:
Hospital Administrator (Human Resource)
St. Charles Lwanga Buikwe hospital
P.O.Box 134 Lugazi
Or Email:
Closing date for application is 13th July 2012.Only short listed candidates will be invited for interviews.
Apply Online Your Name:(*) Subject:(*) Email:(*) Choose Resume : Choose Covering Letter: Your Message:(*) Security Code :
Your Name: (*) Your Friend's Email: (*) Subject: (*) Your message: (*)
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