Head of Public Relations/IT ( FULL TIME )

e.g.: "Sale Manager", "Web Designer", etc.
e.g.: "Gulu", "Ntinda", "Kisoro, Uganda", etc.
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( Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UNCCI), Uganda)
TweetThe Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UNCCI) is the longest serving private sector membership organisation in Uganda. UNCCI’s mission is to strengthen the private sector in Uganda by promoting and assisting business. JAVA CONSULTING LTD Promotes Performance Excellence of the Human Capital and Organizations. We are honoured to have been retained by UNCCI to recruit for it two departmental heads as explained below
Head of Public Relations/IT (Job Ref: JAVA 00161)
Reports tothe Secretary General
Key Duties:
The successful applicant will be expected to build and manage an internal and external technical platform for countrywide information dissemination aimed at delivering high volumes of high quality work within short term limits.Initiating and planning PR CampaignsAnswering enquiries from individuals, members, journalists and other organizationsDeveloping and maintaining good working relations with the media.Organizing special events such as press conferences, exhibitions, competitions.Maintaining and updating information on UNCCI’s websiteRequirement:Qualifications:Great interpersonal and communication skills with a minimum of five year's continuous working experience in Public Relations.Should be result oriented with leadership and teamwork abilities and motivation to work in a membership driven private sector organization among others.Knowledge of operation of Management Information SystemsRelevant first degree in Public Relations, Mass Communication, IT or Computer Science or any related field and should have worked in a private sector environment.Proficiency in at least three languages. How to apply:Remuneration:
UNCCI will pay competitive commercial level salaries to the successful candidates. In addition, there will be performance related pay where appropriate and applicable.
Qualified candidates should send us comprehensive applications and up- to-date CV’s, with day-time telephone numbers, by e-mail or courier or hand deliver to the address below so as to reach us by Saturday, 30th June 2012. Your application should include three referees, none of whom should be your relative and all of whom should have supervised you, taught you or known you through your work. Their telephone and e-mail
addresses will be essential. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted by Monday, 2nd July 2012.
You should also summarize your earnings as stated in the box below. Candidates who do not provide their remuneration information will be disqualified.
JobReference numberCurrent monthly salaryYour
benefitsin-kindThe Director, Recruitments and Selection, JAVA Consulting Ltd. Plot 116, Bukoto Street, Kamwokya, (Clearly Signposted) P.O.BOX 2979, Kampala. Telephones: 0414533216/7; Email: java@javaconsult.co.ug
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