Executive Secretary ( FULL TIME )

e.g.: "Sale Manager", "Web Designer", etc.
e.g.: "Gulu", "Ntinda", "Kisoro, Uganda", etc.
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( East African Communications Organisation, Uganda)
TweetThe East African Communications Organisation which is an organisation of all ICT regulators of the five East African countries (that is, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania and Rwanda), telecom operators, broadcasters and postal service operators in the five respective countries of EAC, WITH ITS Headquaters in Kigali, RWANDA Wants to carry out recruitment for the following positions;
A. TITTLE: Executive Secretary
Mission and Attributions
The Executive Secretary will provide leadership and direction and coordinate all EACO activities in line with the EACO constitution. The Executive Secretary will report to the EACO Executive Committee and EACO Congress.
i.Act as the Secretary to EACO Executive Committee:
ii.Conducting and executing EACO business operations on a day to day basis;
iii.The development and implementation of strategic plan and management of all EACO programs and projects;
iv.Convening in consultation with the chairman of the relevant organs, the meeting of the various organ/ committees taking and maintaining records of those meetings;
v.Development of necessary information and position papers to be discussed by the various EACO institutions;
vi.Provide strategic and technical facilitation as well as administrative and logical support to the meetings of the EACO organs;
vii.Establish an information database and documentation for the ICT industry and disseminating such information to the membership as may be necessary;
viii.Carry out the general and financial administration of EACO, including and budgets, keeping proper books of accounts;
ix.Representing and promoting EACO regionally and internationally;
x.Maintaining and safekeeping of all official documents records and assets; and
xi.Such other activities as the congress may from time to time determine;
Interested candidates are requested to submit their application letter addressed to the following addresses of EACO not later than June 15, 2012, at 17HOO at following address:
If Applicant is
In BURUNDI, application to be sent to; Director General
Agence de Regulation et de Controle des Telecommunications (ARCT) B. P.6702 BUJUMBURA, BURUNDI
In KENYA, application to be sent to;
Director General
Communications Commission of
Waiyaki Way
P.O.Box 14448,00800
In RWANDA, application to be sent to
Director General
Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency (RURA)
Tel+(250) 252 258 4562
Fax+(250) 252 258 4563
Kigali- RWANDA
In TANZANIA, application to be sent to:
Director General
Tanzania Communications Regulatory
Authority (TCRA)
P.O. Box 474
E-mail: dg@tcra.go.tz
In UGANDA, application to be sent to:
Executive Director
Uganda Communications Commission
PO.Box 77376
Kampala, UGANDA
Working language for EACO IS English
Conditions of Employment
i. The successful candidates will be based in Kigali, RWANDA.
ii. The term of office for Executive Secretary is four years period, renewable once and the term of Office for LIAISON Managers is three years renewable once.
iii. Remuneration package is very attractive.
Your Name: (*) Your Friend's Email: (*) Subject: (*) Your message: (*)
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