GAP Assessment Consultant | ReliefWeb
Contract type: Short Term
Contract Duration: 1 Month
Reporting to: Lead, Program Management
Programme Area: Tororo
1.0 Background
International Justice Mission (IJM) is an international human rights organization that works to ensure that all, especially the most vulnerable, have proper and appropriate access to justice. IJM works directly with survivors of violence to offer support and assistance. IJM also works closely with local and national governments, religious and traditional leaders and in particular with the public justice system to support them and build system wide capacity.
IJM has been operating in Uganda for over 15 years and has a nationwide partnership with the Justice Law & Order Secretariat that focuses on effective prevention of and response to all forms of violence against women & children. IJM’s vision for its work in Uganda is that by 2030 all women and children across the country are protected by the justice system, are empowered and live free from violence.
2.0 EU – UN Spotlight
The Spotlight Initiative is a global, multi-year partnership between the European Union and the United Nations to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls. In Uganda the Spotlight Initiative will work across 7 districts focusing on responding to violence against women and girls and harmful practices.
As part of the Spotlight Initiative, International Justice Mission will be working in Tororo district through its mentoring and collaborative casework model to improve knowledge of essential services, strengthen and improve the coordination of services, incorporate survivor voice and strengthen community accountability. IJM will used this innovative, evidence-based model to implement Outcome 4 of the Spotlight Initiative:
Outcome 4: Quality Services: Women and girls who experience violence and harmful practices use available, accessible, acceptable, and quality essential services including for long term recovery for violence.
3.0 Purpose
As part of the implementation plans for Outcome 4, IJM will conduct a Gaps assessment on the knowledge of and access to quality and essential services and integrated SRHR, including longer term recovery services and opportunities for Women, girls and communities at risk of VAWG/ HP. [1]
A consultant is required to lead the Gaps Assessment Data Collection efforts in Tororo ensuring timely implementation of data collection activities, and delivery of quality data that meets the goals and objectives of the assessment.
3.1 Scope of Work
As part of this assignment, IJM seeks the following areas of consultancy assistance to support the Gaps assessment and delivery of Outcome 4 to the EU – UN Spotlight in Tororo District:
3.1.1 Enumerator Selection and Management
a) Technical assistance in the identification, interviewing and selection of a qualified team of enumerators to conduct key informant interviews with the targeted group of respondents i.e. Women, girls and communities at risk of VAWG/HP. The enumerators will undergo a final interview process to assess their capabilities.
· The enumerators should be knowledgeable and experienced in the fundamental principles of research.
· Enumerators should be resident in Tororo district.
· Enumerators should be able to speak the local language.
· Enumerators should be experienced in the use of mobile devices for data collection.
b) Participation in the training of the enumerators on the data collection tools, the goals and objectives of the assignment and best practices in the collection of quality data.
c) Budget for Enumerator stipend and remuneration.
d) Make payments to enumerators upon delivery of quality data on approval by the IJM MERL Specialist.
3.1.2 Sampling and community mobilization
e) Guidance in the sampling criteria for data collection by identify a suitable geographical coverage of Tororo district considering the political, economic and environmental situation.
f) Mobilization of the selected community (including the local council leadership) in preparation for the data collection pre-test and final data collection.
3.1.3 Data collection and Quality assurance
g) Development of a comprehensive data collection plan in consultation with IJM MERL specialist and Programme Manager.
h) Oversee the data collection activities in the field by supervising the enumerators, ensuring timely delivery of data, data collection targets are met, and quality data is collected.
i) Hold end of day meetings with enumerators to identify challenges faced and address potential threats to the success of the data collection activity.
j) Source and provide Mobile digital tablets/phones for Digital data collection. The devices provided remain the property of the consultant and IJM will only hire them from the consultant.
k) Use appropriate data collection software to design and upload the data collection tools developed for the Gaps Assessment by IJM onto the mobile data collection devices in preparation for data collection.
l) Lead the capture of GPS coordinates of district level service provision, in particular police posts and health centers.
m) Lead the mapping exercise of district services (Health Centres, Courts, Police Posts) using mapping software like ArcGIS, Quantum GIS or Google Maps
3.1.4 Reporting
n) Provide IJM with a complete set of collated data from Key Informant interviews in editable excel or csv file format.
o) Support the data cleaning process by providing the IJM MERL Team with insights into key issues that emerged from the data collection process.
p) Provide IJM with a map of Tororo District showing the location of Health Centres, District Courts and Police posts
4.0 Deliverables & Work Schedule (Outputs derived from scope of work 3.1)
The consultant is expected to deliver the following key outputs, in collaboration with technical staff from IJM
Output and Level of Effort
10 Qualified Enumerators selected in preparation for data collection - 3days
Participation in the training of the enumerators on the data collection tools & GPS Coordinates capture- 2days
3 .Enumerator stipend and remuneration Budget developed and submitted - 0.5 daysGuidance in the sampling criteria for data collection provided - 0.5 days
These Include the following activities;
The consultant will provide guidance to the IJM planning team on which sub-counties should be covered to ensure fair representation of Tororo District regarding economic and cultural issues.
The consultant will also provide vital district demographic statistics which will guide the planning team to conduct sampling.
Community mobilized in preparation for pre-test and data collection - 2 days
These include the following activities;
The consultant will identify a sub-county and villages close to the training venue where a field test will be conducted.
The consultant will make the initial contact with the LCs to inform them of the activity which will happen in their communities.
The consultant will identify and contact individuals who will participate in the field pre-test.
The consultant will work with village teams on a village mapping exercise to identify the location of the Health Centres, Police post and courts
Plans for Data collection in Tororo developed, finalized, and submitted to IJM - 1 day
Digital tablets/phones for data collection sourced and data collection tools uploaded on digital devices in preparation for data collection - 3days
Sourcing of GPS’ for collecting coordinates and Sourcing of updated Uganda administrative boundary shape files in preparation for mapping - 1 day
Supervision support provided to the data collection activities in Tororo district
· End of day meetings held with enumerators
· Plans for course correction documented at the end of day to inform IJM team about changes that will have been made. All these with in 7 days
Supervision support provided in the geographical mapping of health centres, Police posts and Courts - 5 days
Digital mapping of coordinates onto Geographical maps, Thematic mapping, Symbolization, Conversion to JPEP, PNG, JPG and PDF formats and Incorporation of feedback from IJM - 4 days
Complete set of collated data from Key Informant interviews sent to IJM in editable excel or csv file format and Complete set of geographical maps showing location of essential services sent to IJM in JPEG, JPG, PNG and Shape file format - 1 day
Data cleaning support provided to IJM MERL Specialist - 1.5 days
Total Level Of Effort
31.5 days
5.0 Payment Schedule
Payment to the consultant will be made in two phases. The pre-data collection phase and the post data collection phase. Payments by IJM are delivery-based. Any deliverable not meeting the required specifications will have to be reworked and resubmitted at no additional cost to IJM. The proposed payment schedule for this assignment is upon submission of progress reports on completed tasks, outlined against planned outputs. Based on the report and satisfactory performance, payments will be certified by the supervisor
Payment Phase
Phase 1: Pre-data collection
Activities/ Output;
· Identification, interviewing and selection of enumerators
· Budget for enumerator stipend remuneration
· Input to Gaps assessment sampling criteria
· Community mobilization for pre-test and data collection.
· Data collection plan
· Sourcing of mobile digital data collection devices
· Design and upload of data collection tools onto digital devices
% of total consultancy sum- 40%
Phase 2: Post Data collection
Activities/ Output;
· Participation in enumerator training
· Supervision support provided to the data collection activities in Tororo district
· Submission of complete soft copy of digital dataset**
· Input to the data cleaning process
· Not more than 2 page report on the data collection activity highlighting key activities done, challenges and learning
· Submission of relevant financial accountability (Payment to enumerators)**
% of total consultancy sum- 60%
6.0 Type of Supervision provided
The consultant will work under supervision of the IJM Programme Manager and IJM MERL Team. The supervisors will have frequent interactions with the consultant at various stages in order to brief the consultant on the situation/assignment; agree on the process and clarify the deliverables; provide feedback and comments on intermediary products; and track the progress made by the consultant. The supervisor will evaluate the consultant’s work and certify delivery of work.
7.0 Place of Work
The consultant will be expected to work from Tororo during community mobilization and data collection. The consultant will be responsible for their accommodation and travels arrangements.
8.1 Non-Discrimination
When consultants conduct interview/focused group research/survey that involves third party, consultants shall ensure that selection of participants and the processes and methods used serve to correct, not reinforce, patterns of exclusion. This requires attention to socio-economic barriers including gender and age discrimination as well as the different ways and capacities in which children and women express themselves.
8.2 Participation
Consultants shall ensure that the purposes and processes of the research are fully explained, using alternative forms of communication where necessary and making reference to any implications for participants of time, cost and the possible influence of the outcomes. The way information is conveyed must be appropriate to the context. Respondents should be informed that participation in the survey is voluntary, there is no financial gain, and that their responses are confidential and will be grouped with other responses.
8.3 Informed Consent
Consultant shall ensure that the participants know their right to refuse or to withdraw from the research at any time and obtaining verbal or written consent without coercion.
8.4 Identification Of Risks
Consultant should be mindful of the risks involved in the research. Consultant should withhold information where that information may place the respondent at risk and take necessary measures to protect them from placing themselves at risk.
8.5 Confidentiality
Consultants shall offer conditional anonymity and confidentiality to all participants and explain to participants the limitation of confidentiality and possible intervention based on what is in their best interests. Consultant is fully responsible for identifying the follow-up action and referrals to be made in case confidentiality is broken.
8.6 Misuse Of Information
Consultants are fully responsible for considering the short- and long-term consequences of the research from the different perspectives of participants, policy-makers, researchers and IJM.
9. Qualifications and specialized knowledge/experience required
· University degree in social sciences, communication, international development, Computer science or a related discipline.
· Minimum three years of work experience in community development programs, with at least three years in a developing country context.
· Solid technical knowledge of research ethics
· Demonstrated experience with development objectives implementation, monitoring and evaluation using both quantitative and qualitative techniques.
· Previous experience in the use of Mobile digital data collection will be considered an asset.
· Knowledge and experience of working in Tororo is an advantage
Personal/organizational Competencies
· A high level of organizational and coordination skills. **
· High level of attention to detail.
· An excellent command of the English language – both written and oral.
· Ability to work independently as well as in a team environment.
· Team Player
· Good team leadership
· Ability to produce quality work within a deadline and under pressure.
Proposal Submission
Interested and qualified individual consultants are invited to submit their proposal(s) comprising the following:
a) An understanding of the consultancy requirements.
b) Methodology and work plan for performing the assignment.
c) Detailed reference list indicating the scope and magnitude of similar assignments.
d) Relevant services undertaken in the past five (5) years.
e) At least 2 recommendation letters from previous clients.
f) Financial proposal clearly showing the budgeted cost for the work to be conducted by the consultant under the scope of work above.
g) Updated Curriculum Vitae
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