07 June 2012

Jobs at Water For People in Uganda- Water Engineer

Job Title: Water & Sanitation Engineer

Water For People    FULL TIME
About this Job:    

Water For People is a USA-based non-profit organization that aims at improving people’s quality of life by supporting the development of locally sustainable drinking water resources, sanitation facilities, and health and hygiene education programs. Water For People is currently operating in 10 countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Water For People Uganda is seeking candidates to fill the above mentioned position based in Kampala.

Job summary: Lead in the development of design plans, working drawings, technical specifications, bill of quantities as per approved standards by the Ministry of Water & Environment; supervision of implementation and contract administration of water supply development including water supply installation and borehole drilling, Water supply construction, and Water spring Protection works, and sanitation facilities and waste disposal systems; Mainstreaming of private sector management approaches in all water related interventions

Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Providing technical advisory support to private sector operators of hand pump and gravity fed piped water systems and user committees of community managed water schemes.
2. Assist community based projects to integrate sustainable O&M practices in management of WfP supported water schemes.
3. Assist Local government authorities, Water Boards and User committees to prepare tender documents for soliciting bids/tenders from contractors, and engage entrepreneurs to manage the privately run water schemes.
4. Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of water schemes and supervise contractors overseeing construction and rehabilitation of water schemes and sanitation facilities according to government set standards ensuring quality control.
5. Ensure that the “Everyone, Forever” strategy in Kamwenge District has adequate support for design and implementation of water supply and sanitation activities after exit of Water for People.
6. Develop and implement a long term capacity building programme with partner organisations that embraces organisational and technical issues with local government authorities, private sector and local NGOs within the context of Uganda government sector policy and the changing role of Government.
7. Review latrine designs ensuring that they are appropriate to each given context; aspects such as cost, environmental standards, sustainability should be considered.
8. Keep database of all water supply and sanitation projects implemented under the county program. This to include geo-coordinates of water points, water quality, quantity and depths of boreholes and shallow wells etc.

Required Qualifications and Skills
1. Minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Water and Sanitation Engineering Civil Engineering, Water Resource Engineering or Environmental Engineering.
2. Computer literacy particularly in AutoCAD, MS Word, Excel, Power point, and SPSS.
3. Ability to lead and work as part of a team, flexible, adaptable and patient
4. Ability to plan own work, work under pressure when faced with competing demands.
5. Ability to communicate both written and spoken English, be innovative
6. Ability to work away from workstation and travelling in remote and / or rural environments.
7. Demonstrable analytical and conceptual skills to plan projects, timetable agreed activities and oversee activities.
This position will report directly to the Country Director.

How to apply:    

Please note that Prior work experience not a requirement.
The position offers a career growth opportunity. If you meet the above criteria, hand deliver or email your application together with a detailed CV and copies of certificates, salary history, a day time telephone contact, and three referees including their telephone and email to:
Administrative and Procurement Manager, Water For People Uganda, Plot 9 Olumi Close, Kitante,(just below the Rwanda High Commission), P.O. Box 1420 Kampala, Uganda, Email: abyaruhanga@waterforpeople.org. The closing date for receipt of applications is COB Friday, 15 June 2012.

Deadline: 15th June 2012


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