17 December 2010

Volunteer Jobs Opportunies in United Nation- How to volunteer for UN

Who  is a unv volunteer

A professional recruited for her/his professional qualifications and her/his readiness to serve under volunteer conditions without regard to financial benefit.
She/He works for the realization of the broad objectives laid down by the United Nations Charter for the economic and social advancement of humanity.

How to become a United Nations (UN) volunteer

Becoming a volunteer expresses your support for the principles at the heart of the United Nations: that by working together we can make the world a better place for all. Volunteering benefits society at large and improves the lives of individuals, including those of the volunteers themselves.

UNV volunteers are helping to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by reducing poverty and contributing to
economic, social and political development, peace and security, and the health and welfare of millions of people worldwide. They are improving opportunities and participation and making unique contributions to societies locally and nationally.

How to volunteer

The options include:
• International UNV volunteers
• National UNV volunteers
• Online volunteers
• Other opportunities

requirements for UNV volunteers

To become a UNV volunteer one should fulfill the following minimum requirements:
• A university degree or higher technical diploma
• Several years of relevant work experience
• At least 25 years of age (no maximum age limit)
• Good working knowledge of at least one of the three UN working languages: English, French and Spanish
• Strong commitment to the values and principles of volunteerism
• Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment
• Ability to adjust to difficult living conditions
• Strong interpersonal and organizational skills
• Prior volunteering and/or working experience in a developing country

Rules of conduct

Undertake duties and conduct themselves in the interest of the UN and the government they are serving;

   1. Guided by the motivation to devote their knowledge and abilities without regard to financial benefit and towards realizing the broad objectives laid down by the UN Charter;
2. UNVs and their dependents will not engage in any activity that is detrimental to the proper performance of the UNV’s duties;
3. UNVs will not engage in any political activity that may be inconsistent with the independence and impartiality of UN-affiliated persons;
4. Except in the normal course of official duties or with prior explicit approval of the UNV Executive Coordinator and/or the UNDP Resident Representative, UNVs will not:

          o Issue statements to the press or other agencies of public information
o Release visual information publication
o Submit articles, books or other material for publication
o Take part in mass communication activities such as film, radio, or television productions which are related to project activities or interests of the UN or the host country

   1. UNVs will, at all times, respect the laws, moral codes, and traditions prevailing in the country;
2. UNVs will neither seek nor accept instructions from any government or from any other authority external to the UN. UNV will receive work-related instructions from designated officials, as appropriate;
3. UNVs are not authorized to accept or undertake outside jobs during the assignment;

                o Dependants may accept employment in accordance with regulations of the host country

Pledge of Commitment

I pledge to exercise with dedication, discretion and conscience such duties as shall be entrusted to and undertaken by me as a UNV, to comport myself in accordance with the standards of conduct of UNVs, to work for social and economic development of the country of assignment in accordance with the principle of the UN Charter and not to seek or accept instructions in regards to the performance of duties from any authority external to the UN System with the exception of work-related instructions from the specific host Government authority to which I may be attached.

Where to Apply
UNDP Country Office
15B Clement Hill Road
P. O. Box 7184,
Kampala, UGANDA.