21 January 2013



Job Code: CI-UPET-01-1212



DURATION: 6 months + 6 months optional

WORKING SCHEDULE: Resident : 5 days working / week





The job holder participates to the functioning of the M-P-M entity by performing the following activities:

Processes / Procedures / Organisation

Organize, update and assist the C&P Manager in implementing referential procedures and the Group Company Rules relating to procurement activities

Analyze the procurement process and identify improvements opportunities

Ensure consistency of C&P local referential and its respect by users

Organize and structure documentation and archiving of the C&P entity

Schedule and organize the C&P induction for C&P personnel and Metier partners.


Analyze the C&P suppliers portfolios and define/propose appropriate improvements

Validate and report C&P performance on a monthly basis

Consolidate and implement C&P reporting

Follow up of the progress on the C&P procedures and tools implementations

Performance Monitoring

Prepare IMPACTS assessment

Consolidate Métier KPIs

Propose suitable local KPIs

Participate to benchmarking initiatives


Facilitate the internal communication between C&P and other entities of the affiliate for procurement matters

Liaise with the OPS/CA division about procurement activities and promote exchange of information with the other Affiliates (benchmarking, exchange of best practices) and with the external entities about procurement activities

Markets monitoring

Ensure the gathering and processing of information on purchasing, markets and suppliers of his/her assigned market segments

Conduct market studies requested in the affiliate

Make available market indicators in the intranet and run monthly scorecards for selected indicators

Support Category managers in OPS/CA for simple markets and categories

Support contracts engineers when performing market studies

Supplier development

Participate in the development of the supplier pre-qualification process

Participate in the development of a reference supplier database

Maintain the supplier data base

Support contracts engineers when performing supplier evaluations

Participate in the establishment of a monitoring process of main suppliers performance


Prepare the procurement planning for OPS/CA


Provide assistance and training on the use of C&P tools in all the entities of the affiliate

Support users and answer to any question related to C&P Tools within the affiliate

Adapt C&P Tools procedure to local needs

Act as the representative for SAP tools within in the affiliate (i.e. lead users, key users, etc…) and with OPS/CA whenever necessary

Assist the affiliate in any questions, maintenance actions and tools evolution needs in Procurement, Contracts in respect of general rules and procedures defined by OPS/CA and in coherence with other already existing/under implementation SAP applications

Advise and assist the affiliate in defining solutions and developments related to C&P tools (SAP, Contiki, Ariba, ISDB, MPP, SMT…)

Specify the requirements with regard to the system versatility and upgradeability, with regard to local requirements, in cooperation with the local SAP coordinator

Ensure the consistency of changes made on other SAP modules (link to other Business : Operations, Logistics, Maintenance, Finance, Controlling, HR…) or external applications with C&P requirements by participating in activities and meetings affecting the functionality of all C&P tools

Participate in the development, implementation and deployment of C&P tools (e-Procurement tools: e-Sourcing, Contracts: CONTIKI: management tools, etc)

Tests and validates solutions or changes to C&P tools before deliveries to the affiliate

Monitors and reports the progress of work related to C&P tools in the affiliate

Contribute to maintaining the internal knowledge of C&P tools for C&P and partner entities within the affiliate by:

Consolidating and documenting the experience, and know-how acquired in the performance of this dutiesDeveloping his knowledge of existing SAP products and new technologies covering the areas of procurement,, contracts, inventory and freight forwarding

Develop and implement materials optimization strategy using SAP

Be responsible for the deployment of tools like e-Procurement tools, Contracts (CONTIKI) management tools, Supplier management (ISDB) etc

Participate in ASAP assessment

Participate or ensure Data Creation Section

Ensure the training of SAP end users

The job holder manages the Compliance:

Ensure compliance of the C&P process with all internal company rules (including OPS/CA Guide to conduct) and all applicable laws and regulation (JV rules, Country laws...)

Ensure the good administration and filing of all C&P documents

The Job holder adheres to the H3SE rules

Be in constant alignment with H3SE Company rules, Procedures, Instructions and applicable legislation

Take the necessary measures to avert immediate threat of danger. Exercising caution as necessary to avoid danger to persons and installations or avoid pollution


The methods team improves the quality of service and increases the value added to procurement processes. It assist in implementing a proactive, market facing and value-orientated organization with adequate methods. This team is an important evolution of the C&P profession because it ensures a transition from a supply function to a purchasing function as a provider of services to Métier Partners involving organization, methods and behavior changes within the C&P Profession.

Relation with state authority : YES


To issue documentation, procedure or report

To participate to the improvement C&P practices

To monitor the procurement performance

To provide a cost-effective and time efficient services to specific areas

To follow various markets, participate to the follow-up and the evaluation of Contractors/Suppliers.

To ensure the appropriate use of C&P tools in the affiliate in respect of C&P rules and procedures

To contribute to the development and evolution of C&P tools in the affiliate

To contribute to the proper appropriation of C&P tools evolutions in the affiliate and to ensure the added value of their use

To ensure the consistency of the evolution of C&P tools with the needs of C&P



Intermediate level in M-P-M technical Competencies required

C&P tools certification required

C&P induction


(Proficiency levels 1: low - 2: average - 3: good - 4: excellent)

Knowledge of upstream métiers (2)

Legal environment, Insurance, Tax (2)


Writing (4)


Language skills (4)


Diploma (Ref to SI:RH Diplomas database) :

International Experience Requirement (I.E. Flag)

Professional experience: > 4 years experience the O&G industry

Main Personal Abilities: Basic Human Relations, planning/organizing


Good command spoken and written English



View the original article here


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