Uganda: Request for Proposal: Teacher Management Information System in Uganda
1. Background and Justification
The Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda has outlined in various Government policy documents various goals that includes increasing access and retention, reducing inequalities, improving relevance and quality of learning in education. According to the TISSA report, Uganda faces challenges in the quantity and quality of teachers at all levels. The study also revealed that Uganda lacks reliable data on teacher with most of the administrative data being manually generated. To address these concerns, the UNESCO in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Sports is implementing the CapEFA programme on teachers with the Teacher Management Information System (TMIS) being one of the components. The implementation of TMIS module is also an aspect of strenghtening EMIS and broadening teacher data needs across several actors. TMIS is to provide accurate information on demand and supply of teachers at primary and secondary level. In this way the Ministry will plan for training and recruitment of relevant teachers. This will ensure that pre-service and in-service training needs are evidenced based and hence equip a sufficient number of teachers with relevant qualifications that enhance teacher competency. Also, in terms of the teacher profiles, the Teacher Instructor on education and training, would require information on the in-service training and plan for improving the quality of teachers by ensuring that there are sufficient opportunities for upgrading of pedagogical skills.
In order to implement the TMIS components, two reports were prepared: (i) TMIS needs assesment and (ii) TMIS system design and specification. The needs assessment report gives a comprehensive udnerstanding of the status of the teacher administrative data in terms of registration, deployment, management, performance appraisal and payroll managememt. A number of institutions are involved that include : Personnel Section, MoEST, TIET Department, MoES, MoPS, Education Service Commisison, district level departments and the education institutions. The TMIS system design and specification report gives a detailed account of the envsaged model representing what the system is and what it is expected to do. It describes the processes studied in the need assessment study. The processes are modelled in three different models i.e. data flow diagrams, entity relationship diagrams and context diagrams.
The purpose this services is to customize and install a TMIS system with an ultimate goal of se reports provide the details of the a request of expression for consultancy has been having comprehensive information on teachers that is accessible and shared within an online platform by all the stakeholders at all levels.
2. Objective:
The objective of the consultancy service is:
· To operationalise a TMIS system that is user-friendly and supports a harmonized, coordinated, regular and timely access ofteacher information at all adminstrative levels of the Ministry of Education and associated agencies at national, distrcit and education institutions levels.
Specifically, the consultancy will comprise:
· Customisation of a webbased online TMIS system as stipulated in the system design and specification provided for by UNESCO.
· Provision of capacity building of MoES Staff for the TMIS system installation and functionality to ensure user-friendliness and optimal use of the TMIS system at all levels.
· Assistance in the preparation of training and administrative manuals to ensure sustainable program of training and support for staff operating and using the system at all levels.
3. Outputs
The contractor is expected develop the TMIS system and have the system installed and accesed online by all the relevant actors on teacher administration. The output of the contract is a s follows :
· Online TMIS system developed
· TMIS Reporting Module developed and deployed
· TMIS system installed
· MoES and relevant agencies staff trained on the technical TMIS aspects as well as User aspects
· Online and offline User and administrative Manualsdeveloped and welldissemninated
· A welldefined, scalable and comprehensiveTMISsecurity module for both back-end and front-end
· Technical system documentation.
· Databasereplicationfunctionalities to multiple sites to facilitate high availability of the system.
The activities of the consultancy include and are not limited to the following:
The consultancy involves development of a the teacher management information system, that is accessible to the relevant departments; Human Resourcse Department, TIET Department, Education Service Commision , District Officials( District Education Officers and DESC among others) and the head teachers of primary and secondary schools on the basis of the TMIS system design and specification report. The TMIS system is to incorporate the following stages of teacher information:
Task 1: Validation of Tools for Teacher data to ascertain administrative procedures in Departments/ and Agency
The consultant should make use of the needs assessment report and the design and specification report to understand and reflect the data tools and administrative procedures in place for the departments and agencies responsible for teacher issues at national, district and education institutions.
Tables: Tasks to be incorpparted in the TMIS as by Department
ProcessesInstrument Description Department/ Agency Teacher Registration Individual data collection form รผ Teacher presents academic document to main registry- HR
รผ HR Verifies the documents
รผ File opened-file number issued.
รผ TIET department receives file and verifies the documents
รผ Teacher is issued registration certificate with number by grade and year of completion.
รผ Records of registration kept in the record book HRM Teacher Recruitment Process รผ MoES/DEO identifies gaps in collaboration with institution managers and forwards to MoPS to certify the availability of funds
รผ MoPS approve the vacancies based on the funds available and send to MoES.
รผ MoES submits the Approved vacancies to ESC
รผ ESC - Advertises for the vacancies
Receives applications (ESC- post primary and DSC-primary)Shortlists (ESC/DSC)Interviews (ESC/DSC)Selection and appointment list forwards the to MoES/CAO (district level)รผ MoES/CAO- receives the appointment minutes and posts the teachers as per the identified gaps. Confirmation of Appointments รผ Teacher applies for confirmation after 6 months
รผ Forwards the letter to MoES /CAO
รผ List of teachers compiled and forwarded to ESC/DSC
รผ ESC/DSC confirms the list with the appointed list data bank
รผ List of Confirmed Teachers is forwarded to MoES/ CAO to issue confirmation letter. Teacher Promotion รผ Involves only confirmed serving Teachers in Govt institutions
รผ MoES/CAO identifies the available vacancies and submits to MoPS for approval
รผ MoPS submits the approval to MoES who forwards the same to ESC
รผ ESC to advertises the vacant posts
รผ Receives application, shortlists, interview and successful candidates list forwarded to MoES/CAO to issue appointment letters. Transfers รผ Teacher requests for transfer in writing through institution manager
รผ Manager approves/ not approve the transfer
รผ If approved, it is forwarded to respective depts /CAO to issue the transfer letter.
รผ Teacher reports to new station and HT issues a PCA to PSC Granting of Study leave รผ Confirmed Teacher applies for study leave attaching the admission letter of the college and development plan of the institution to MoES.
รผ MoES/CAO compiles the approved list and forwards to ESC/DSC
รผ ESC/DSC inspects the validity of the admission letter and relevance of the course – approves/not approves the study leave
รผ If approved, the list of Teachers is forwarded to MoES/ CAO to write study leave granted letter based on the decision of ESC/DSC
รผ Not approved- issue regret letter by MoES รผ Individual daily teacher record School census Teacher profile : name, age, sex, qualification, subjects taught, appointments, EP&P department : EMIS District Human Resource Recods Leave application form HRM
Task 2: Customisation of TMIS
Technical specification of the development of an online web platform for the administrative data for all the departments and agenciesQuantity Supply and Customization of Education Management Information System Application Software running on a Relational Database Management system 1 System
This development will be guided by the following specifications : application software specifications; Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) Specifications ; and Network Operating System Specification
A. TMIS Application Software Specifications
An education management software application supporting the following core functions:a. Registration of school and education institutions using a workflow based processes to capture the schools registration data, facilitate inspections, approval, generation of schools registration codes and issuance of certificates
b. Registration of teachers including capture of teacher bio data, qualification and training data, work experience and duty station data, generation of registration numbers and certificates
c. Capture of various fixed and variable school based education data such as enrollment data, teachers’ data, physical facilities, amenities, schools management, finances, textbooks, and other special data based on standard forms. The system will keep historical data to enable tracking of changes and for comparisons.
d. Capture of specialized data returns of a short-term nature such as required from time to time for tracking specific and unique education indicators. This includes School Feeding Program, District statistics on impact of epidemics on education, etc.
Data Administration FrequencyFrequency
The frequency of administration of data capture could vary in future according to need. The cycle of data returns questionnaires envisaged includes a first and second term questionnaire that captures data on enrolment, number of teachers, number of streams/classrooms, drop outs, repeaters, Net Enrolment Rate, Gross Enrolment Rate(GER), and pupil/teacher ratio(PTR). It also includes a more comprehensive third term questionnaire that captures data on Enrolment, Number of Teachers, Number of streams/Classrooms drop outs, repeaters, Net Enrolment Rate, GER, PTR, physical facilities, finances, school management, performance, and audit.
Data Volumes
Data is captured for private and public schools for the different levels of the education system namely Early Childhood Development (ECD), primary schools, secondary schools, non-formal schools, and tertiary institutions. The table below gives the number of schools per category for five years beginning in 2000, showing an increase of 5,000 in the number of institutions at an average increase of 1,000 a year.
Other features of the software include:a. High customized systems with freely definable forms and user menus
b. Fully integrated system but with ability to deploy some or all the modules as desired
c. Workflow capabilities to support approval process for registrations of teachers
d. Support for multi-user, multi-site computing environment
e. Have a executive information system with analytical tools and indicators
f. Must support ad-hoc query and have pre-defined reports
g. Support for drill-down or drill-around of the reports
h. Support for reports publishing through printing, faxing, email, web etc
i. Must have easy to use report writing and query tools
j. Facility for data import from other system
k. Facility for data export to other system
l. Mature product with industry certifications such as ISO, or IEEE CMM
m. Used elsewhere in a similar environment
n. Product with local training and support
o. Short implementation time
p. Low maintenance
q. High return on investment
r. Easily to upgrade with clear a upgrade path
s. Flexible licensing and support agreements
Technical requirements include:a. Easy to use graphical user interface
b. Configuration tools to define users, data parameters
c. Must have an elaborate security mechanism to prevent unauthorized use
d. Support for multiple operating system including Windows, UNIX, LINUX
e. Web enabled including support for internet browser clients
f. Tools for publishing output reports to the web
g. Support to client-server architecture and distributed computing
h. Hardware-platform independent
i. Database-platform independent
j. Support for open standard such as ODB
k. Provide online and context sensitive help
l. Integrate with statistical and reporting tools such as SPSS, SAS, Crystal
Data Exchange & System Integration Requirements:This will be the principal system used for data and/or information exchange in a predefined format between Departments in the Ministry, Education Agencies and the Districts.
More importantly, this system will facilitate sharing and exchange of data, information and systems between the Ministry and Education Agencies, particularly ESC, MoPSC and Education Standards. Due consideration will therefore be given to the integration and/or interface with various systems existing in the mentioned entities.
The export facility will facilitate the input and export of HQ TMIS data to district TMIS system. The data to be exported include teacher registration details, deployment, transfer and payroll data. The system will support modules and interface protocols to facilitate schools to export and/or import various data returns in electronic form from institutions or schools with computerized management system.
System Administration :The system must provide for the general system administration including setting up system users and their related access privileges. It must provide as well for data backup, restore routines and other data security/disaster recovery measures, technical management and trouble shooting.
As part of system administration also, the system will facilitate setting up of parameter tables including Teachers Grades, Qualifications, term of service, designation, district education zone, location, divisions among others. In addition it should facilitate for the database connection parameters for the whole system.
B. Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) Specifications
General Requirements of the software includea. Must be a full function RDBMS and adheres to standards such as SNMP / ISO/ANSI SQL
b. Support to high volume on-line transactions processing (OLTP)
c. Support to query intensive data warehouse applications
d. High availability with database mirroring, online back-up and recovery
e. High scalability, and performance
f. Highly relational with object-relational capabilities
g. Integration with other databases and legacy systems
h. Cross-platform portability - Must be highly portable to several distinct hardware and operating system platforms to allow flexibility in choosing server platforms
i. Must have support for a wide range of national languages
Scalability and Reliabilitya. Support to a large user population in multiple sites ( >100)
b. Support to client-server architecture including thin clients
c. Addition of servers and additional disk capacity should be possible without shutting down the system.
Data Processing and Managementa. Serialization of transactions
b. Global naming - should support global naming so that users can uniquely identify and locate all data in a distributed environment
c. Support to deferred database write
d. Support to transaction logging and archiving
e. Data replication -Should allow transparent replication of commonly used data to multiple nodes
f. Database consolidation - Should have the capacity for coordination of multiple machines against a single database
g. Data warehousing tools such as analysis, indexing, query optimization,
h. Support to large database using large table management and partitioning
i. Support to a variety of query processing techniques / SQL
j. Distributed query processing -A single SQL statement should be able to query data from multiple databases
k. With data import and export tools
Application Developmenta. Support to application development using latest 4GL such as Asp.Net (MVC), Java, C++, VB, XML
b. Web enabled and with tools for development of web applications
c. With administrative tools that support routines such as back-up, and scheduling functions, procedure and triggers
d. Flexible development and administration - Must enable the use of the standard SQL syntax to create tables and create Single or multilevel access, to implement content and context-dependent access rules
Database Performance and Administrationa. Must have advance performance, i.e. should be capable of separating query execution, index creation and data loading tasks, executing them concurrently on multiple CPUs
b. Must have an easy to use administration tools that allows management of a distributed system from a single site
c. Data back-up and on-line recovery functionality
d. With tools for performance management and database tuning
e. Tools that enable administrator assign transaction or query priorities
f. Must have easy synchronization of user interfaces for all remote locations not connected online to the main database at the Ministry headquarters.
g. High availability for mission-critical data - It should able to let users have a seamless access to the entire database. It, also, must be able to run on multiple nodes for mission-critical data, such that even if one node fails, other nodes should be able to recover committed work and continue processing without intervention from the database administrator
h. Concurrency control - It should provide for sophisticated concurrency control to minimize or eliminate contention wait times i.e. to avoid situations where users are waiting on one another for data access regardless of available CPU power or I/O bandwidth
i. Transparent distributed database - Must be able to treat a physically distributed database as a single logical database. The user should be able to access and update data anywhere in a distributed network with the same ease as if the data resided on a single local machine
Database Securitya. Ensure proper user authentication internally or externally at OS or security software
b. Manage the assignment of database access privileges using identity of the user
c. Database Integrity - Users must be able to define multi-level referential integrity, entity integrity and value constraints without programming.
d. Must be able to provide configurable options that include audit by individual, by object, by statement or session and by privilege so administrators can only audit the actions of security relevance to their sites and reduce the number of extraneous audit records online using configurable audit-trail views and ad hoc SQL queries, and store them either in the database or in operating system audit files
e. Guarantee privacy and integrity of data through global encryption, auditing etc
f. Cross-protocol data security - Should allow secure data transfer across different network protocols
C. Network Operating System Specification
General Requirements of the Software Include;a. Confirm to open systems standard
b. Support TCP/IP protocol
c. Support both centralized and distributed systems
d. The software must have Virtual Memory Supporting Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)
e. The file services must provide facilities to file to be named, created, stored, deleted and organized into a directory structure. It should be noted that files could be stored on one or more File Servers, which are accessible to all Machines on the Network.
f. Process Management Services, which are, used to create, Start, Stop and suspend processes running on computers in the network.
g. Network services, which are used to move processes and their associated data from one computer to another computer on the network.
h. Communication services which are used to communicate with other computers in the organization and elsewhere. If target machines are connected to the network, this service must support programs downloading to these machines
i. Window Management Services which allow Windows on the users display to be created, moved, deleted, re-sized and so on.
j. Print Services, which allow Information from the environment to be printed on paper or on some other permanent medium such as CD-ROM, Microfiche e.t.c
k. Workstations able to run different operating systems versions concurrently
l. Then software must be able to run in multiprocessing and multitasking environment.
m. Provide access to X/Motif applications and character applications
n. The software must offer open server development kit including C++ Compilation system, C Compilation System, Java development kit among others.
o. Integrated e-Mail and Messaging services
p. Internet /Intranet services including Internet security
q. Several Levels of security log on
r. Backup and restore services for files
s. Systems and data management including data recovery
Task 3: Teacher data capture: Pilot data capture and Integration of existing data into TMIS system at all levels
The consultant is expected to undertake a pilot data collection as an input to the system to ensure coherence and adaptability of the clients. This is to be followed by integration of existing data to incorporate details of all the serving teachers into the system.
Task 4: Training and Training Materials:
It is expected that during trhe development, core MoES staff who have the relevant ICT programming skills should be involved to ensure on-job training. However, a training has to be condiucted for primary users of the system for all the agenicies involved.
User: This training is expected for the operation of the relevant equipment incorporated in the System, as well as the operation of the Software applications incorporated in the System. In addition to provision of online and context-sensitive help, training materials will be required contain the following aspects at a minimum:a) Provide Goals and Objectives of a training activity
b) Provide graphic illustrations of the real-life activity, and to provide the user with field and/or component definitions
c) Provide step by step demonstration of the process
d) Provide exercises that elicit active user interaction with the aspect being trained on, and solutions to exercises
e) References to detailed manuals and/or online help.
Although the mode of training is not restricted, a computer lab environment is the preferred environment, to take in 10-20 participants on average. For the TMIS software applications, the training programme is expected to at least cover the following areas;Review of computer systemsReview of database systemsTMIS Data, structure and formatTMIS Reports, structure and formatOnline queries and comparisons on TMIS dataReport production and Executive SummariesInterpretation of TMIS reportsSharing data and reports (printing, email, presentation, web publishing etc)Task 5: Testing and Quality Assurance Requirements
In addition to the Supplier’s standard check-out and set-up tests, the Supplier (with the assistance of the Purchaser) must perform the following tests on the TMIS System and its supporting Network and Communications Subsystems before Installation will be deemed to have occurred and the Purchaser will issue the Installation Certificate(s) (pursuant to GCC Clause 26 and related SCC clauses).TMIS Software Subsystem: the following table lists tests that shall be carried out to verify live functioning of the TMIS system:Test ElementTest Objective Success Criteria Training · End User Training Completed Successfully · Completed training materials
· Productive use of live system System Operation Mode · Properly configured, secure system
· System able to stand volume and stress loads
· Database performance optimization · Defined and tested system access user profiles
· Logon/work group prioritization schedule
· Functioning Database Alert monitors
· Ensure 24x7 system availability Cut-over & Data Conversion · Ensure data integrity, accuracy and completeness · Replication of results in legacy and new system. Disaster Recovery · Ensure data integrity and minimize interruption in case of disaster · Fully tested backup and restore procedures
· Data Mirroring properly tested Production Support · Ensure existence of procedures, facilities and staff for system support
· Ensure Long term production support · Existence of manned helpdesk
· Help procedure manual with escalation provisions
· Long term support strategy
Operational Acceptance TestsThe Purchaser (with the assistance of the Supplier) will perform operational acceptance tests on the installed System and its Subsystems following Installation to determine whether the System and the Subsystems meet all the requirements mandated for Operational Acceptance. The acceptance test shall consist in obtaining 3 monthsof trouble-free operations of the various system and hardware components under normal operating conditions (excepting the defined post-installation system touch-ups aimed at optimizing long term productive use).
Upon successful tests, the Ministry shall be officially commission the launch theTMIS systemTask 6: Service Specifications
Technical Support:a) Warranty Service: Due regard shall be given to warranty service during installation and for a reasonable time period afterwards. Bidders shall be required to specify: coverage period; response time and problem-resolution performance standards; modes of service, such as on-site, on-call, or return to warehouse; etc.
b) User support / hot line: In similar manner to warranty service, bidders shall be required to specify: coverage period; response time and problem resolution performance standards; etc, of user support/hotline services.
c) Technical Assistance: Bidders shall be required to avail such caliber of technical staff as to support the installation, support, subsequent upgrades and other technical services that may be required to sustain the systems.
d) Post-warranty maintenance services: Bidders will be required to avail post-warranty maintenance services for such duration of time that the technology and systems will be supported worldwide, with adequate response time and problem-resolution performance standards; modes of service, such as on-site, on-call, or return to warehouse; etc.
e) Data Conversion and Migration: the system integration mentioned above, as well as the installation of the systems may call for a limited amount of data conversion and migration. Due regard should be given to quality assurance and validation methods of this exercise.
Task 7: Documentation Requirements
(a) END-User documents: End user documents shall be required to be ordered in a user manual format consistent with international user-manual standards. They shall be written in English language. The content shall be context-specific. However, due regard shall be given to clarity and simplicity of layout of instructional content. Use of graphics, presentation slides, screen dumps, text, and process flows, policies, is encouraged. Exercises shall be designed to reinforce learning and these should be relevant to the ministry’s circumstances. This material shall be used for initial end user training and for training new employees.
(b) Technical Documents: These shall be written in English language, be referenced and indexed adequately. The content and format shall be context specific but shall conform to ISO and ANSI standards or similar. Version control provision shall be required. In addition to the paper format of these documents, provision for electronic medium shall be a necessity.
5. Inputs:
The consultant(s) is expected to work with a team drawn from the TMIS sub working group whose membership is drawn from relevant departments that reports to the Teacher Working Group of Uganda education sector.
6. Timing:
This is the third phase of the TMIS components that involves customization of software for supporting data management, installation and capacity building of staff from the MoES, agencies and selected education institutions during the installation of the TMIS system to ensure user-friendliness and optimal use at all levels (a maximum of 90 days from June to August 2014).
7. Reporting:
The consultant will report to Project Coordinator, UNESCO and also hold consultant meeting with the the Assistant Commisioner, CIM and Commissioner, Teacher Instructor Education and Training, MoES The consultant will work with the TMIS sub technical group members that is chaired by the Assistant Commission, CIM on a day to day basis.
The consultant is required to provide following reports :
· Inception report,
· weekly technical progress report,
· Staff capacity building reports
· TMIS system testing report and
· .Draft Final Report
9. Minimum content of proposals:
The contractor is to prepare a detailed technical proposal that explains the TMIS system development, installation and user-clients capacity building. The model to be used is documented in the TMIS design and specification that provides details of the status of the adminstrative proceses at national, district and school level for primary, secondary and BTVET institutions. This is to be a web based online funtionality hosted at national level with access rights documented. At the onset the system should incorporate issues of teachers, commencing from registration, recruitment, deployment, management (transfers, promotion, career progression, in-service training) and exit details of teachers. The system should also be linked to the Ministry of Public Service Commision for salary issues and Education Service Commission for appointment and career progression.
The contractor is also required to complete the technical responsive checklist with a narrative of the proposal based on the following areas among other considerations:
Scope of TMIS Administrative ProcesessFunctionality of Application softwareFunctionality of the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)Functionality of the Network Operating System SpecificationTMIS as a Module of EMISTMIS Administrative Reports ProceduresNote: See Annexe VI on Technical Response Checklist
10. Eligibility/qualification/experience requirements:
The consultant/firm must have:
proven experience of project managementdesigned and implemented robust ICT infrastructuresExperienced in web application development.experience with all major network operating environments, and familiarity of their strengths and weaknessesexperience of designing TMIS solutions with controlled overall cost of ownershipexperience of working in donor funded projectsexperience in education developments in ICT infrastructure and managementInformation systems (MIS)
a. Number of years of experience and comptency of the desired personnel and their status of ICT certification
b. Provide details of recently accomplished similar task and provide a link to the stated projects
Your offer comprising of technical proposal and financial proposal, in separate sealed envelopes, should reach the following address no later than 29th May 2014
UNESCO Eastern African Regional Office- Office of the Director
United Nations Avenue, UNON, Gigiri (Room C-209)
P.O. Box 30592-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 (0)20 762 2346/2566
Fax +254 (0)20 762 2750
Ref: CapEFA/TMIS/1
Closing Date and Time: 29th May 2014, 4pm
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