12 October 2010

Project Manager :::: CARE International in Uganda

Company CARE International in Uganda Educational Qualification Bachelor's Degree-Graduate Degree (BA, BSc, BCom)Skills Communication: Speaking effectively
Research and Planning: Identifying problems
Organization, Management and Leadership: Coordinating tasks
Work Survival: Accepting responsibility
Role ? Coordinate planning, development and implementation of CARE-lead activities in Uganda

Post: Project Manager

CARE International, in partnership with International Gorilla Conservation Program (IGCP), is irnplementing a five year regional project in Uganda and Rwanda. The project started in 2007 and will end in December 2011. The project works across the domains of natural resources management, civil society empowerment, agriculture enterprise development arid trans-boundary collaboration. We are seeking a highly competent candidate to fill the position of Project Manager for CARE Uganda component of the project. The post is based in Kabale and involves frequent travel to field sites across the target area, which is in Kataale,Kanungu and Kisoro districts; it also involves regular travel to Rwanda to participate in regional activities, and to our Headquarters in Kampala. This is a professionally rewarding position for a dynamic and experienced team leader, who will be part of our solid natural resources management team.

Main duties:
? Coordinate planning, development and implementation of CARE-lead activities in Uganda
? Provide overall strategic and technical leadership to the project in Uganda
? Lead the documentation and communication of project experiences and achievements for CARE Uganda, and promote effective monitoring of program activities and a learning environment
? Manage, effectively and efficiently, the program's human and other resources, while applying CARE's policies and systems, as well as donor requirements
? Develop effective linkages with governmental and non-governmental institutions and projects, and with other CARE programs and projects

Qualifications and competencies:
? A University degree (Postgraduate qualification preferred) natural resources management, business studies, agriculture, development studies, rural development or other relevant field.
? At least three years successful experience in a senior management position in a large organization
? A good understanding of natural resource management and the policy environment
? Extensive knowledge of and experience with one or more of the following: participatory natural resource management (field level natural resources governance), civil society strengthening, enterprise development and pro-poor market linkage.
? Command of project management tools, approaches and standards commonly applied in the Development / NGO sector
? Proven skills in project/ program planning and budgeting
? Experience with preparing, managing and monitoring service contracts (sub-grantees, local partners and consultancies) will be a distinctive advantage
? Strong communication and interpersonal skills
? Strong conceptual and analytical skills
? Fluency in spoken and written English

If you are a qualified Ugandan national interested in this challenging position, then apply by Friday, 8th October, 2010 to the

Human Resource Officer,
CARE, P.O. BOX 7280, Kampala, include a typed cover letter explaining your interest, updated CV, copies of academic qualifications, day time contact phone number, addresses and telephone contacts of three work-related referees.

Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Please mark your application envelop "Project Manager EEEGL Project"


View the original article here


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