03 July 2014

Commissioner,Career Opportunity in Uganda, at the Ministry of Education and Sports , Jobs in Uganda,

1.       Commissioner - Technical. Vocational Education  and Training (WET)2.        Commissioner - Pre-Primary and PrimaryOrganization:Education Service CommissionJob Type : Full-time EmploymentClosing date: I Ith July. 2OI4.
Applications are invited from suitably quaified persons to ?ll the posts tnat have fallen vacarnt at the Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) Headquarters and in Primary Teachers' Colleges (PTCs).I . Post : Commissioner - Technical. Vocational Education  and Training (WET)Ref: IIRM 43/I35 /OI VOL22 (7)Report to: Director. Higher, Technical, Vocational·          Heads the Technical Vocational Education and Training depatnnernt.·          Fomindates, inplernents and evaluates policies. plans and guidelines for Teclnrnica and Vocational Education with other stakeholders.·         Develops strateges in collaboration with stakeholders for vocatiornabsation of Education.·          Advises on the organization and management of Technical and Vocational Education institutions.·         Liaises with other departments and agencies in the administration of students in Technical and Vocatiorna Education Institnrtions.·         Advises on the establishment of Boards of Govemors/ Governing Councds of Government aided Technica and Vocationa Education institutions.·         Coordinates and guides private TVET institutions in the country.·         Carries out any other duty as may be assigned by the relevant authority.·          A minimum of a Master's Degee in  Technical or Vocationa Education field fronn a recognized University /Institution.·          Must be registered as a teacher with the Ministry of Education aid Sports or with the relevant professional body.·          A minimum of twelve (I2) years working experience, three (3) of which must have been at the level of Assistant Commissioner.2. Post: Commissioner - Pre-Primary and PrimaryReport to: Director- Education Standards·          Heads the Pre-Primary and Primary Education Standards depatrnnerit.·          Advises the Director of Education Standads on all the matters relating to the Pre-Prinary aid Pnimay Education Standards.·          Co-ordinates work plans and programs of the department·         Plans and co-ordinates Pre-Primary and Prinrnary schools inspection.·          Monitors the implementation of policies relating to the subjects taught in Pre-Primay and Primary Schools.·          Monitors Pre-Primay and Pnimay Education Standards.·          Advises on syllabus development and subject assessment in the Pre—Primary aid prirnnary sub-sector in iaison with the Nationa Curriculum Developnnent Centre aid Uganda National·          Provides expert advice on the identification of development needs for the subject teachers.·         Monitors, inspects and evauates the status and use of instructional materials in the Pre-Prinnary and Primary education subsector.·          Carries out any other duties as may be assigned by the relevant authority.- A mirninnurn of a Master's Degree in Education or Education Management and Planning from a recognized University /InstitutionMust be regstered as a teaclner witlrthe Ministry of Education and Sports. ,A minimum of twelve ()2) years working experience in the Primary and Pre-Primary Education Sub sector. three (3) of which must have been at the level of Assistant Commissioner.Applications in triplicate and on Education Service Commission Form 3 (I993), or hand written and addressed to the Secretary, Education Service Commissionshould be submitted to tne Education Service Commission Offices on lot floor Farmers House, Parianentary Avenue, Kampala to be received not later than I Ith July. 2OI4.Applications should bear the title of the post as well as the reference number speci?ed aganst the vacancy.Applicants should attach three sets of photocopies of their certi?cates and testinnornials plus three recent passport size photogaplns. Serving officers nnust route their appicatiorns through then Head of Institution. who should be advised on the closing date to ensure submission within the deadline. In addition, they should have duly ?lled Perfomance Appraisal Report Forms for tne last three (3) consecutive years.For the posts of Graduate Tutor and Education Officer (Guidance in Counseling). duly appointed serving officers in public service should not apply.The application forms can be obtained from the Education Service Commission of?ces. the Ministry of Education and Sports offices, Embassy House 4th Floor. Chief Administrative Officer's Offices and District Service Commission Offices.


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