Uganda: Formulation of IGAD Regional Strategy and Medium-Term Implementation Plan 2016-2020
Formulation of IGAD Regional Strategy and
Medium-Term Implementation Plan 2016-2020
Baseline Studies at the National Level for IGAD Priority Sectors
National Consultants
General Terms of Reference
IGAD stands for the promotion of resilience and sustainable development of the region through regional integration, peace and security and agricultural development and environment protection in partnership with the member states, development partners, and multi-lateral, bilateral and civil society organizations.
As the current medium-term strategic plan 2011-2015 approaches its end, IGAD is embarking on the formulation of a new Regional Strategy and Implementation Plan for 2016-2020. The formulation process will be initiated by conducting baseline studies at the national level on each of the following IGAD priority sectors of intervention:
Agriculture, livestock and fisheries developmentNatural resources and environment protectionSocial DevelopmentEconomic cooperation and IntegrationPeace and security; andGender affairs.IGAD is seeking the services of six national consultants from each member state to undertake baseline studies in their country.
OBJECTIVES OF THE CONSULTANCYThe primary objective of the consultancy is to undertake a comprehensive baseline study at the national level on IGAD priority sectors of focusing on current status of the sector, development challenges and opportunities for the future.
The national consultant for each baseline study will undertake an in-depth analytical review of status of the sector in the country. The consultant will assess the sector through the national development plans, sectoral strategies/policies and programmes, institutional structures and mechanisms, capacity, human and financial resources, development cooperation and partnerships, key achievements, lessons learned, challenges and opportunities for the future.
Further, the consultant will pursue an inclusive and participatory consultative process so that different stakeholders like national agencies, development partners, CSOs and UN-agencies can contribute to the final outcomes most effectively.
More specifically, the national consultant will:
Ø Participate in a launching/planning workshop to brainstorm and define the specifics and scope of the baseline studies;
Ø Review documents to understand and identify key development issues that prevail in the country highlighting national efforts, challenges and opportunities, lessons learned, etc. The documents would include the long-term national strategic plans and specific strategies, policies and programmes of the sector;
Ø Closely work with IGAD Strategy Preparation Committee and report to its sector leader;
Ø Consult and discuss issues with relevant ministries and institutions of the country to obtain their inputs/contributions;
Ø Consult with development partners and other regional and international organisations in the country to obtain their inputs/contributions;
Ø Identify trans-boundary issues that could be addressed best at the regional level;
Ø Coordinate/liaise with the other consultants who are preparing other baseline studies through various communication channels
Ø Prepare a “State of the Sector” country report of the sector;
Ø Organise a national workshop to review and validate the draft “State of the Sector” country report;
Ø Submit the final the “State of the Sector” country report by incorporating the comments from the workshop.
The duration of the consultancy will be between 30 and 60 calendar days.
The main deliverables of the consultancy will be:
· Inception report with a detailed work plan for of the baseline study
· First draft of the baseline study (State of the Sector Report)
· Validation workshop report
· Final version of the baseline study report (State of the Sector Report) to be submitted in soft copy MS word in English (French for Djibouti)
Applications are invited from suitably qualified individuals from the IGAD member states. The applicant should have:
· A Masters or higher degree from a recognised/reputable university;
· At least 7 years of relevant professional experience in the field of the baseline study;
· Excellent working knowledge of English (French for Djibouti);
· Strong communication and presentation skills;
· The capability to initiate the study within two weeks of being awarded the contract.
Interested persons should submit their applications, copies of CVs (five pages maximum) together with photocopies of university degrees/diplomas and professional certificates by email to
"IGAD Human Resources"
with a copy to
Each candidateis advised to specify in the application his/her country and quote the Title and the Reference of the sector he/she is applying for from the list below.
1.*Agriculture, livestock and fisheries development (Ref: IRS/BS/ALFS 2014)*
2.*Natural resources and environment protection(Ref: IRS/BS/NREP 2014)*
3.*Social Development (Ref: IRS/BS/SD 2014)*
4.*Economic cooperation and Integration (Ref: IRS/BS/ECRI 2014)*
5.*Peace and security (Ref: IRS/BS/PS 2014)*
6.*Gender affairs (Ref: IRS/BS/GA 2014).*
Further, please note that:
· The deadline for acceptance of applications is 14:30 pm, Sunday 22nd June 2014 (Djibouti time);
· Applications that do not have specific Title and Ref of a sector will not be considered.
· Applications for multiple sectors will be discarded.
· Preference will be given to organisations/consultants based in the IGAD region with proven relevant experience in undertaking a task of similar magnitude.
· Short-listed candidates ONLY shall be contacted by IGAD for interviews;
· IGAD is an equal opportunities employer and qualified females are encouraged to apply.
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