16 June 2015

Post Partum Haemorrhage (PPH) Prevention Advisor | - 2015

Montrose is urgently seeking a part-time consultant to support the South Sudan Health Pooled Fund in the role of Post Partum Haemorrhage (PPH) Prevention Advisor.


The South Sudan Health Pooled Fund (HPF) supports delivery of essential primary health care and referral health services up to county hospital level, as well as health system strengthening at the national, state, county and facility/community levels. The HPF is supporting these services in Eastern Equatoria, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, and Western Bahr el Ghazal, Warrap, Unity and Lakes states.

The purpose of the South Sudan Health Pooled Fund is to ensure service delivery and to support achievement across six states of the three main objectives in South Sudan’s Health Sector Development Plan. To support the goal of the Government of South Sudan to reduce maternal, neonatal and child mortality, HPF contracted seven (7) service providers to support eight (8) selected County Hospitals and extended direct support to seven (7) Faith Based Hospitals to offer Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care and to deal with the most common and life threatening complications of pregnancy and child birth.

We are looking for a Consultant starting immediately to support this work in South Sudan.

Purpose of the Consultancy

The purpose of this consultancy is to support the roll-out and implementation of a Post-Partum Haemorrhage (PPH) Prevention Programme at the health facility and community levels including supporting stakeholders at the state, county and community levels to develop a detailed implementation plan with provisions for planning, trainings, supervision, follow-up and reporting.

Specific Tasks

The consultant will undertake the following tasks:

· Review training materials and documents developed by MOH/JHPIEGO during the learning phase implemented by JHPIEGO.

· Review County work plans including the IP support to the PPH Prevention roll out program

· Coordinate and work with with the relevant stakeholders at State, County and community levels.

· With the relevant stakeholders, review and come up with a detailed plan for the roll out of the PPH prevention Health facility and community component.

· According to the plan developed, provide the necessary support for the roll out of the PPH prevention program in the health facilities and community . This includes regular visits to support the Counties and health facilities for planning, trainings, supervision and follow-up.

· Support the health facilities and the counties and the IPs to compile an integrated monthly and quarterly progress reports which includes reports on the PPH Prevention program submitted to the SMOH and shared with HPF

Consultant qualifications

The consultant will have:

· Experience working in South Sudan or a similar setting.

· A health background preferably a Medical, Senior Clinical officer or a Senior midwife.

· Experience implementing health program at community level including community based distribution of medicines, more so the community PPH prevention program and Misoprostol distribution being an added advantage.

· Providing Primary Health Care services experience

· Training skills

· Coaching/ mentoring skills

Other desirable qualifications include the following:

· Experience supporting/implementing maternal health projects

· Project management skills

· Experience of working with senior officials and managers

· Experience working at County level

· Experience working with NGOs

The consultant will be willing to live and work in remote areas of South Sudan and be receptive to the context in South Sudan and the objectives of the project. He/she shall be expected to work sensitively, flexibly and reactively in a programme context that is strongly focused on capacity building and ownership-enhancement of the Ministry of Health at County and State levels.


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