02 June 2014

Admin Jobs - Patient Services Manager at Health Management Organization

Organisation: Health Management Organization Duty Station:  Kampala, UgandaNFT Consult, a leading HR Consultancy firm, seeks to recruit for it valuable client, Health Management Organization. NFT Human Resource Solutions are customer tailored per industry requirements and are geared towards increased cost savings, process improvement leading to improved efficiency and effectiveness yet simultaneously strengthening quality and control of resources.Job Summary: The Patient Services Manager will ensure practice maintains full and profitable schedule by coordinating public relations, customer service, sales and marketing, and patient activation efforts. He / she will steer the practice’s efforts make sure the patients have the best experience.Key Duties and Responsibilities:  Works closely with the team leader to develop sound and realistic revenue goals based on clearly identified budget targets.Work with individual doctors to develop individual revenue targets in line with organizational targets, and to meet or exceed the same.Ensure that patients are being presented with coherent, comprehensive treatment plans that are in line with the clinic’s ambitions of providing comprehensive dental care, including elective and cosmetic services.Educate patients on need to prioritize comprehensive care over problem-based treatments and provide full financial disclosure.Review payment obligations with patients before uptake of treatment and provide them with a range of payment and financing options, removing finances as being obstacle to treatment.Telephone and email follow-up of patients to ensure treatment compliance and retention.Address concerns that prevent patient from receiving any prescribed treatment.Act as credit referee in instances where compliant patients may require credit terms.Ensure treatment teams are utilising appointments optimally.Fill scheduling gaps in conjunction with other team members. Maintain list of patients who wish to/can come in on short notice to plug any openings.Ensure that doctors are collecting fees in accordance with established guidelines.Responsible for collecting receivables <30 days. Receivables >30 days referred to Business Manager.Work with treatment assistant in charge of procurement to see that fast moving supplies are constantly available for treatment.Assist the dentists remain focused on treatment rather than administrative undertakings, more especially during treatment hour2. Marketing and Public Relations:Follow up on patient contacts to establish firm relationship between practice and patient.Liaise with potential patients, embassies, companies and insurance providers to promote practice services and relay promotional material.Identify sponsorship and advertising media opportunities which must be consistent with defined brand guidelines.Develop in-house marketing and promotions within branding and operational guidelines.Manage social media exposure.Meet weekly with doctors to discuss appointments required and other outstanding treatment issues.Confirm completeness of all lab prescriptions. Refer incomplete prescriptions to treating doctor.Confirm payment plans are in place before despatching cases. Cases despatched with incomplete payment will remain the liability firstly of the treating doctor or alternatively the patient services manager, if unpaid.Email the lab with a list of prescriptions being sent to the lab upon collection by the lab. This email should record the prescription number, courier company and airway bill or tracking number and alerting them to any urgent requests; the latter as a courtesy to them. Monitor lab emails and other communication to advise the treating doctor of any problems or concerns in order to avoid delay and to best manage patients’ expectations.Upon receipt of shipments from the lab, forward invoices to business manager for accounting entry. All liabilities are recorded against the specific treating doctor in QuickBooks. This is for optimal expense tracking, as doctors are meeting their own lab bills. Re-makes should be flagged for deduction of extra shipping costs from the associated doctor.Received cases should be unpacked and checked for completeness by a senior clinical assistant. Full arch and quadrant trays should be cleaned of impression material, disinfected and re-cycled by the clinical assistants. List of completed lab prescriptions passed on to front office assistant for appointment scheduling and reminder to settle any outstanding.Qualifications, Skills and Experience:  The applicant should hold a tertiary certificate, diploma or degree in business or other related field of study.Excellent track record of achievement in customer service and/or sales and marketing.Past exposure and experience in business administration, management or hospitality is highly desirable.Computer literacy skills i.e. proficiency using MS Office applications such as Excel, Word and PowerPoint, and QuickBooks.All suitably qualified candidates should visit the web link below and create a profile on the NFT Consult website by entering their e-mail addresses. Please visit web link below and click Apply now if convinced you have the job requirements. The applications/CVs should be prepared in English and submitted in either MS Word or PDF format will be considered. For More Ugandan Jobs, Please Visit http://www.theugandanjobline.com   or find us on our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/UgandanJobline


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