25 September 2015

Uganda: Consultancy to review the Cotton On Foundation Uganda Human Resources Policy and Procedures Manual - 2015


Cotton On Foundation is an Australian based International Development Organisation that started operations in Uganda in 2007. COF is the philanthropic arm of the Cotton On Group, a clothing retail business based in Australia with a footprint in 17 countries across the world. The vision of COF is to empower youth, mobilise communities and build futures. In Uganda, COF currently operates in Southern Uganda in the districts of Rakai, Lwengo, and Masaka. Its projects are based on four pillars: Education; Health; Sustainability and Infrastructure. These pillars were derived from the Uganda National Development Plan, United Nations Millennium Development Goals and proposed Sustainable Development Goals and form the basis of every project undertaken by the Cotton On Foundation. For more information about us, visit, www.cottononfoundation.org

Purpose of the Consultancy

The overarching purpose of the review is to ensure the HR manual remains relevant to the organization’s operating needs; enhance clarity and consistency of its application as well as ensure compliance with applicable legislation (Uganda Labour Laws) and align it with HR best practices.

The revised Human Resource Policy and Procedures Manual will:

• serve as a written declaration of Cotton On Foundation’s commitment to fair employment practices and staff welfare principles;

• ensure that HR policies are in line with the applicable laws of Uganda;

• serve as a communication between Cotton On Foundation and the employees, to outline rules and requirements;

• Clarify COF’s expectations of all its employees;

• provide a guideline for managerial action in consistent decisions and resolving of problems;

• Provide a guide to employees in respect of their conditions of service, responsibilities, rights and privileges.

The duration of the assignment will be ten (10) working days.

Request for Expression of Interest

Cotton On Foundation Uganda now invites eligible and qualified Individuals to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services giving a description of similar assignments undertaken.

Qualifications of Consultants

The Consultant is expected to have the following minimum qualification and experience:

• Minimum Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management and Development or related studies from a recognized University or equivalent;

• Over 5 years proven experience in conducting and facilitating similar Human Resource Policy reviews for NGOs;

• At least 2 of the assignments with deliverables related to Organizational development and change management as evidence of good knowledge and experience in the area;


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