09 June 2014

AMICAALL NGO Careers - Country Director

Duty Station:  Kampala, UgandaReports to: Chairperson – Alliance Executive Council (Board).Alliance of Mayors and Municipal Leaders’ Initiative for Community Action on HIV/ AIDS at the Local Level (AMICAALL) is a network of local authorities, mayors and municipal leaders committed to supporting sustainable solutions to the HIV and AIDS epidemic at the local level. Launched way back in 1998 in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, the Alliance was founded in response to the need to address high HIV prevalence in urban areas in Africa and the need to build capacity and coordinate HIV and AIDS responses at the local level.The overall goal of the Alliance is to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS and to mitigate the social and economic impact of the epidemic on local communities in Africa. The Alliance is coordinated by the Secretariat in Windhoek, Namibia and is currently operating in 13 countries; Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.About AMICAALL Uganda Chapter:The Uganda Chapter was launched in November 2000 with the support of UNDP, UNAIDS and Uganda AIDS Commission. The chapter is a registered NGO, currently comprised of nearly all Urban Authorities (City, Municipalities and Town Councils in Uganda). AMICAALL Uganda Programme mainly focuses on urban and peri-urban areas of the country and it is the only nationally registered NGO that primarily focuses on urban communities and because of its uniqueness, AMICAALL is now recognized as a coordinating agency for HIV and AIDS responses in urban areas throughout the country.Key Duties and Responsibilities:  Steer the AMICAALL National Secretariat and provide strategic leadership and management to staff and programs;Work closely with the Alliance Executive Council (Board) and the National Technical and Advisory Committee, be responsible for recruitment, employment and care for the staff and volunteers.Determine performance targets for staff, and carry out periodic appraisals of performance against the set targetsDirect and coordinate the implementation of the Multi-sect oral National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan in the urban local governments;Offer strategic direction in the development of AMICAALL Uganda Programme HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan for urban local governments and ensure to achieve the mission, and goals of AMICAALL Uganda Chapter;In charge of mobilizing, managing and coordination of resources and ensure sound financial management practices;Maintain oversight of financial control to ensure appropriate and prudent utilization of funds and other resources under AMICAALL care, in accordance with relevant policies, agreements, regulations and legislation.Actively coordinate the implementation of AMICAALL local and regional governments in Uganda;Guide the establishment of effective and efficient management and operating structures and systems of AMICAALL Uganda ProgrammeActively interface and network with government, AIDS Development Partners, donors, CSOs and other key stakeholders to harness mutual and productive relationships to advance HIV and AIDS response and advocacy in urban areas;Represent AMICAALL at relevant local and international meetings, conferences, Committees and coalitions;Offer technical leadership, supervision and guidance to staff to maximize use of human and financial resources of the organization and ensure delivery of quality outputs;Offer strategic guidance to the development of programs, project proposals, organizational and financial plans consistent with the goals and strategies approved by the Alliance Executive Council (Board of Directors);Provide leadership in the implementation of programs, plans and policies authorized by the Board;Convene statutory meetings of the Alliance Executive Council (Board) and AMICAALL National Technical and Advisory Committee (ANTAC) as required and as necessary;Act as the Ex-Officio and Secretary to the Alliance Executive Council (AEC), including providing the necessary technical support and advise at their meetings and other related operations;Qualifications, Skills and Experience:  The Country Director should hold a Master’s Degree preferably in Public Health, Public Administration, social sciences or any other relevant field from a recognized University is a must. Additional training in project planning and management, health management, institutional management and monitoring and evaluation is an added advantage.At least seven years’ experience working in health field with focus on HIV and AIDS and proven track record in senior management with experience and demonstrated skill in supervising staff and building dynamic teams in an organisation offering services similar to those of AMICAALL.If interested in the aforementioned job opportunity, please apply in confidence to the Country Director giving contact details of three professional referees by sending an application, resume in hard copy to;The Country Director, AMICAALL-UgandaPlot 5 Martyr’s Road, Ntinda Ministers’ VillageP.O. Box 26323 Kampala, Uganda. Tel: +256414250102; Email: amicaall@amicaalluganda.orgFor More Ugandan Jobs, Please Visit http://www.theugandanjobline.com   or find us on our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/UgandanJobline


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