Uganda: Consultancy: Endline evaluation
Location: Bukedea and Ngora districts, Uganda
Contract: Consultancy assignment
Budget: UGX 35,000,000 / $14,000
Build Africa is an award-winning charity fighting poverty in rural communities. We work with vulnerable people across Africa to create positive change – helping children get a better education, and parents to earn a secure living – so that together we can find long-term solutions to inequality.
The purpose of this evaluation is to develop evidence-based findings on Build Africa’s contribution to the retention of primary school children and their transition to secondary school, to assess other unexpected (positive and negative) outcomes of the project and to generate useful, evidenced learning to inform the design and implementation of future projects.
Throughout the evaluation design, implementation and reporting, the evaluators are required to identify and analyse the varying contributions that each of the four pilots within the project has had with regard to each of the evaluation questions. An assessment of the most effective pilot approach to achieving the project goal should be generated, to the extent possible; although, due to existing data sets for this project, this will depend upon a robust approach to contribution analysis, rather than depending upon a rigorous quantitative approach to evaluation.
Build Africa is looking for an experienced evaluation consultant (or team of consultants) to conduct this evaluation, delivering the final report no later than Wednesday 13th April.
Download the terms of reference for this consultancy
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