Uganda: Consultancy services for Climate Change Adaptation mentoring and Training Manual and Support
Project/Consultancy Title: Developing a climate change adaptation mentoring/training manual for BRACED safe space clubs and support to inter-club debate competitions
Project Location(s): Karamoja, Uganda
Target Districts: Moroto, Napak, Kotido & Kaabong
Mercy Corps Uganda is currently implementing a three year DFID funded climate change resilience program in Karamoja region called Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED). The program seeks to enhance community resilience to climate shocks and stresses in Karamoja through a community-led and systems-driven programme.
The programme aims to improve public sector engagement and service delivery, broaden economic opportunity and increase community capacity to manage resources and prepare for disasters. The programme has a particular focus on ensuring gender equality and empowering adolescent girls and boys, so that they are fully engaged in and benefit from efforts to build resilience to climate shocks and stresses in the region. The programme engages in-school girls and boys (10 – 14 years) and out-of school girls (14 – 19 years) through weekly two hours mentoring sessions to equip them with life skills and business training to widen their social and economic empowerment options.
In a programme seeking to build community resilience capacities to better adapt and cope with the effects of climate change on their survival and livelihoods, it becomes inevitable to train and equip young people with practical climate change adaptation knowledge and skills. As part of the wider safe space mentoring programme, BRACED programme seeks the services of a national consultant to help develop a short training curriculum consisting of 5 (five) relevant sessions (each lasting 1 – 2 hours) adapted to the Karamoja context to be used for mentoring adolescent girls and boys in-school (10 – 14 years) and out-of school girls (15 – 19 years) in Moroto, Napak, Kotido and Kaabong. The climate change adaption curriculum for the out-of school girls will mostly be a pictorial format with discussion guides for the mentor, lasting 1 – 2 hours. The pictorial manual can include pictures/drawings related to land, land management, gardening, soil and water conservation, tree planting among others, developed in line with permaculture principles.
The consultant is also expected to take lead in organizing and facilitating 4 (four) inter-club debating sessions, to help adolescent girls and boys demystify some of the popular gender and climate change adaptation issues and or practices in the region. This means that, the consultant will identify possible context relevant topics around climate change issues currently affecting the region, for engaging in-school girls and boys in debating activities. The focus should highlight the processes of engaging young people, building their resilience and the stake of the government institutions and general communities. The topics will be discussed and agree to, together with BRACED Mercy Corps team.
The consultant will on completion of both curriculums (for in-school and out-of school safe space clubs) facilitate one day training for BRACED staff based in Karamoja on the use of the developed training manuals. BRACED staff will then train the safe space mentors to understand and effectively use the manuals to build resilience for their club members.
Consultant Objectives:
- To develop a curriculum containing 5 key sessions on climate change adaptation in Karamoja for mentoring in-school girls and boys (10 – 14 years), so as to equip them with practical skills that help build their resilience
- To develop a pictorial curriculum on relevant topics around climate change adaptation in Karamoja, for mentoring out of school girls (15 – 19 years) so as to equip them with practical skills to be able to prepare and adapt to climate shocks and stresses in the region
- To support the interaction between in-school girls and boys through inter-club debates and networking to start in the next quarter (January to March)
Consultant Activities:
The Consultant will:
- Work with BRACED programme staff to ensure that the training curriculum is tailored to BRACED program ideas around climate smart agriculture, energy saving technologies and permaculture
- Work with BRACED programme staff to ensure that the training curriculum is specific to Karamoja context and adapted to the needs of young adolescent girls and boys
- Develop a work plan for the effective execution and delivery of outputs such as training curriculums i.e. 1 for in-school adolescent girls and boys and 1 in pictorial format for out-of school adolescent girls.
- Come up with possible debate topics on climate change adaptation for inter-club interactions through debates and provide a clear process of engagement and participation of the clubs in inter-club interactions.
Consultant Deliverables:
The Consultant will:
- A five session climate change adaptation training curriculum for in-school young adolescent girls and boys, for a duration of 1 – 2 hours a week
- A five session climate change adaptation pictorial manual for mentoring out-of school girls only, for a duration of 1 -2 hours
- Support, organise and facilitate 4 inter-club debating competitions on approved climate change resilience topics for in-school girls and boys at district level.
- Facilitate a one day workshop for BRACED team on the use of the curriculums for mentoring, as well as pilot and test-run the developed curriculum with BRACED staff in Moroto, to ensure all content is applicable
Timeframe / Schedule:
Time Frame
Development of in-school girls and boys manual
7th Mar to 14th Mar 2016
Development of out-of school girls only manual
7th Mar to 14th Mar 2016
Training of BRACED staff and Piloting Manuals
15th Mar to 16th Mar 2016
Planning and organizing for inter-club debates
17th Mar to 20th Mar 2016
Execution of inter-club district debates
22nd Mar to 26th Mar 2016
The Consultant will report to:
The consultant will report to Jimmy Ochien – BRACED Program Manager and keep Patricia Nangiro – Governance/Gender Team leader in copy on any correspondence. The Natural Resources Management Team Leader will provide technical support to the consultant throughout the curriculum development process.
The Consultant will work closely with:
The consultant will work closely with the Governance/Gender Team Leader, Gender Officers in BRACED programme, Safe Space Mentors and club members.
Qualifications and experience of consultant
The consultant should be a qualified and competent climate change specialist who is familiar with DFID environmental regulations. S/he should have the following qualifications:
· Masters degree in relevant field related field, strength in Climate Change in an added advantage
· Should have at least 3 years of proven and well documented experience specifically related to this field of study;
· Excellent writing skills (English);
· Available to meet the above time schedule.
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