Uganda: Biomass Briquette Consultancy - Uganda
Almost all households in both the rural and urban settings of Karamoja rely on biomass fuels such as firewood and charcoal for cooking, despite the availability of alternative fuel sources such as gas, biogas and solar, among others. The heavy dependence on bio mass fuels (such as fire wood and charcoal) has greatly contributed to depletion of the scarce forest cover. This is primarily because of easy accessibility and affordability as well as the ever growing peri-urbanization of north Karamoja. The increased demand for bio mass fuels has led to massive deforestation with little or no efforts for re-afforestation. This is a clear and present danger to the future generations of Karamoja that will be affected by the ever increasing unpredictable weather patterns in the region as a result of climate change.
Mercy Corps’ GHG and BRACED programs is working to promote the access and use of alternative fuels that are cost effective, environmentally friendly, and accessible in Karamoja such as fuel efficient cook stoves and bio mass briquettes. GHG and BRACED uses a market-based approach which engages actors at all levels including private and public sectors, and civil society to deliver modern energy solutions. Mercy Corps is therefore seeking to work with locally based entrepreneurs to build their capacities to produce and promote various renewable energy technologies like bio mass briquettes as an alternative source of fuel for households, business entities, and local institutions like schools in Karamoja. Both programs (GHG & BRACED) are working towards the adoption and adaptation of the usability of energy efficient stoves (EFS) that will contribute to a reduction in health hazards associated with fire wood and charcoal burning, such as carbon dioxide inhalation, and, destruction of the environment. In addition to this, at the house hold level, the adaptation of EFS will contribute to increased HH savings and productive hours as a result of reduced HH expenditure on wood and charcoal products.
The activities of the assignment include:
Activity 1: Conduct a market analysis and data gathering to assess and identify the locally available materials and methods that can support efficient briquette production in Northern Karamoja. This includes assessing locally available raw materials available in both urban and rural settings (organic matter such as grasses, leaves, stems, dung as well as recycled waste products such as food scraps, peelings, papers, newspaper, and cardboard), testing burning quality/length, and produced smoke volumes,
Activity 2: Conduct an economic and labor cost/benefit analysis for bio mass briquette production both for commercial and household purposes; Assess the training and capital needs of potential briquette entrepreneurs;
Deliverable: Submit an assessment report of the above to Mercy Corps (hard and soft copies). Depending on the analysis and GHG’s evaluation, GHG may authorize (or not authorize) the consultant to also conduct activities for the following two objectives/deliverables;
Timing: December 2015
Potential additional activities/deliverables include:
Activity 3: Develop a training module based on field findings and recommendations for briquettes production, marketing, start-up and sales projection, and operation of the necessary equipment for local production. The module should include simple language and pictures for people with low literacy levels. The module should also include:
o Various options available to entrepreneurs such as charring kiln method with compaction, compaction of agricultural waste with lever technology, and hand-molding, etc. And a comparative analysis of benefits and downsides of each technology.
o Different kinds of stoves that use briquette for cooking and heating.
o Steps in setting up a briquetting plant, including preparatory steps, feasibility studies.
o Equipment selection, start-up, manpower requirements.
o Types of equipment and tools required for briquette production, including their costs, and where they can be purchased.
o Methods to make the briquette production process efficient and cost effective for businesses.
o Proposed suitable technologies depending on the raw materials available locally.
o Quality assurance measures for briquettes during production, post-production, storage, and delivery to the final consumers. Methods for improving the quality of the final product.
o Procedures of product management (handling, drying, packaging and transportation) to avoid loss.
o Business and marketing strategy for bio mass briquette MSMEs
Deliverable: Draft training module (for review and input) and then final training manual (hard and soft copies).
Timing: January 2015
Activity 4: Conduct a training session for up to 20 participants to enable them to begin manufacture of briquettes. The training will be conducted in Kotido.
Deliverable: Training sign-in sheet. Training Completion Report (hard and soft copies).
Timing: January or February 2015
The consultant should have five or more years of experience in biomass briquette production and energy efficient stove technology. S/he should have experience working as a consultant with minimal guidance and timely provision of high quality deliverables. S/he should have experience developing training materials and providing training to people with limited literacy. S/he should also have a degree in a relevant field such as business management, energy or environment. The consultant should have demonstrated experience of conducting similar trainings.
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